One Love One Lifetime

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It has been a mouth since the incidents at the Opera House. Christine has moved in with Gleb, Gleb is now the manager of the Opera House, and the Phantom has not been spotted.
After Christine and Gleb left Meg went down to his lair and found nothing but his mask. He is suspended to be gone.

Christine wakes up with the morning sun in her eyes. Gleb is still sound asleep so she decides to get up. As she starts to lift herself of the bed two strong arms wrap around her waist. "Please stay." Gleb begs not fully awake left. Christine starts to lay back down in Gleb's strong chest and fall back asleep.

An hour later Christine and Gleb both wake up to a knock on the door. "I will be right back." Gleb says as he puts on his robe. Christine soon gets up and puts on her robe and walks down the stairs to see Meg and Madam Giry at the door. "Christine!" Meg says as she runs to her.  "What's wrong Meg?"
"The Phantom he has vanished, no one knows were he is."
"How is that a problem?" Gleb asks.
"It's not we just came to ask if Christine would sing again."
Christine froze.
"No, not in that place of torment." Christine said with tears of hate in her eyes.
"I think it's time you go." Gleb said protectively holding Christine.
"I'm sorry." Meg said as her and Madam Giry left.

"Christine" Gleb said lifting her head to meet her eyes.
"You are safe with me it's ok. If you don't want to sing you don't have to." Gleb said lovingly.
" I want to sing just not there. It brings back to many memories of him."
"I know." Gleb said as he kissed her sweetly.
Christine wrapped her arms around his neck and started to run her fingers through his dark black hair. Gleb loved when she did that. Gleb moved his hands from her waist to her hips slowly. Christine moned sweetly loving Gleb's passionate kiss. As they pulled away Gleb and Christine had a look of love and lust in their eyes.
"What do you want to do today?" Christine asked Gleb.
"This." Gleb leaned in and gave Christine another slow and passionate kiss. It was full of desire, love, and begging for more. As Christine pulled away Gleb looked into her eyes with love again.
"I don't think we can do that all day Gleb."
"Well I also have plans of my own."
"What are those?"
"That is a secret." Gleb said teasing.
"Meet me for dinner around 5:00pm." Gleb told Christine
Christine looked at the time it was almost one in the afternoon. She gave Gleb one last kiss and went to get ready.
4:30 That night
Christine was finishing her hair, she had another red dress on that Gleb bought her.
She checked the time and saw it was almost five. She finally finished and walked down the stairs to we're Gleb was standing.
"You look lovely." Gleb said sweetly as he took her hand and lead her to the dining room.
Gleb pulled out a chair for Christine, and she sat down across from Gleb.
On the table was a bowl of Stroganoff Christine's favorite meal.
Christine and Gleb ate there dinner and talked about more memories of their childhood together.

When dinner was done Gleb cleared the table and walked over to Christine. He took her hand and lead her to the door.
"We're are we going?"
"You'll see" Gleb said with a big smile on his face.
They walked through the woods to a clearing. It was next to a small creak. Flowers were blossomed all around them. On the ground was a blanket and Christine's music box Gleb had given her.
"What's this?" Christine asked with a wide smile in her face.
"Christine I have loved you since we were children." Gleb said picking up the music box.
"Christine I never want you to be harmed or alone with out me again." He said getting on one knee. Christine covered her mouth.
"Christine will you Marry me?" Gleb asked opening the music box to reveal a beautiful ring.
"Yes!" Christine said as Gleb slid the ring on her finger. He stood up and kissed Christine with as much love as he could. He spun her around in the air and they both walked back to his house.
Chapter 11 done! Comment if you liked this chapter and if you want one about there wedding. Thank you again for reading!

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