Make Your Choice

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Gleb enters Christine's dressing room.
"Christine are you ready?"
"Gleb I don't know."
"Gleb I'm sorry I haven't told you, but Mr. Y is him."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was afraid of what you might say."
"Christine we have to go, I can't put you through that torment again."
"Gleb wait."
"What is it?"
"I need to tell you the truth."
"About what Christine?"
"What about him?"
"Gleb the year after we were married I went back to the opera house thinking it was safe and to say goodbye to the memories. But he found me, he took me to his lair and forced me to Love him for one night or else he would kill you. Gleb he raped me, he forced me to love him. I still regret everything about it. Gleb I'm sorry but Gustave is his son. I'm sorry I didn't tell you please don't leave me because if my mistake." Christine sobbed on her desk.
Gleb was silent but then walked over to Christine and hugged her.
"It's ok Christine it's not your fault it's that horrible excuse for a mans."
"I will never leave you."
"You promise?"
"I swear it, believe me, you know you have my word."
"O Gleb, how was I so lucky to marry you. I love you."
"I love you too Christine."
"Leave the hurt behind."

"I've booked a passage for three on the Atlantic Queen. It leaves in an hour, we'll have just enough time. I beg you. Let's be on it, for both our sakes. And the child's.
Leave this place behind"
Gleb leaves and later Erik reappears.

"He knows his love is not enough
He knows he isn't what you need
He knows you're made of finer stuff
I think on that, we're all agreed
It's time to leave him in the dust
It's time to be who you should be
It's time to do now as you must
And set the music in you free
In moments, mere moments
Drums will roll
There you'll stand
Just like before
The crowd will hush
And then in one sweet rush
I will hear you sing once more
And music, our music
Will swell and then unwind
Like two strands of melody
At last entwined
Fulfill us, complete us
Make us full
Seal our bond forever more
Tonight, for me
Embrace your destiny
Let me hear you sing
Once more!"

"Miss Daaé, it's time."

"Twisted in every way
What answer can I give?
I know I can't refuse
And yet, I wish I could
Oh, god"

"Christine, Christine
Don't think that I don't care"

"But every hope and every prayer
Rests on you now"

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