A Life Worth living

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4 Months Later

Christine's POV
Me and Gleb have been married for 1 Year now. Gleb still owns the Opera House but I have started to sing at a theater near by.
Today was a very special day. I have some really big news to tell Gleb.

I wake up to find Gleb is not there I got up and walked out of our room down stairs. I see Gleb sitting in the chair by the window reading a letter. He looks up and meets my eyes.
A smile grows on my face. He motions for me to come over, and I sit on his lap. He is wearing is black trousers and a lose white under shirt. I am wearing my white nightgown.

"Good morning Miss. Vaganov." He greats me.
He has called me that ever since we got married and I love it.
"Good morning Mr.Vaganov." I say as I put my hands around his neck.
He leans in and gives me a soft kiss while I run my fingers through his hair. He slowly pulls away.
"How did you sleep?"
"No nightmares, so far"
I haven't had a nightmare since we got married.
"You seem very happy today. What's the occasion?"
"O nothing." I tease
"Really?" He teases
"Nope nothing at all."
" So my wife is keeping something from me. What do I have to do so you can tell me?"
"I think another kiss is needed." I tease
He leans in again this time one of his hands are on my leg and the other is on my waist. I can tell he wants to know badly. He pulls away asking "was that good enough."
"Yes" I reply breathlessly
"Ok then, what do you want to tell me."
"Your going to be a father."
He pauses.
"Gleb I'm going to have a baby. You are going to be a father."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I wasn't sure but then I wen.."
He cut me off my kissing me again. When he pulled away he looked extremely happy.
"I'm really going to be a father?"
"O Christine I'm so Happy! I love you"
"I love you too."
Phantoms POV
It has been over 4 years since Christine left me for that flop. I have stayed hidden in my lair. The only people who company me are Madam Giry and Meg.
"Erik you need to move on she's gone."
"I can't! She was my muse my angel and now she has left me."
"You need to leave Paris before you get caught by the police. Monsieur Vaganov has had the police come everyday and search for you."
" Christine said she would never sing here again Erik." Meg interrupted.
"We need to go far away from here Erik it's not safe."
"And where would that be?" I questioned.
"America, Coney Island to be specific."
"Why there?"
"It is a place fulled with amusement parks, freak shows and other mysterious things."
"If you don't want to be caught I recommend that we leave tonight."
"Fine." I stated angry to leave my home and angry to leave the place my one true love lives.
That night me, Meg, and Madam Giry left for America. We planned to open a theme park with a opera house for Meg to preform at and amusement rides for the people of Manhattan to enjoy.

When we arrived I have to admit I liked the way it looked and how the breeze of the sea felt on my face. Now it's time to start my plan no one knows about. The plan to get back my angel once and for all.
9 Months later
Christine's POV
I just gave birth to a heathy baby boy.
"What should we name him?" Gleb asked happily.
"Gustave, after my father."
"That's a perfect name Christine." Gleb said kissing me and Gustave.
Chapter 14 is finished. The following chapters will have a little Love Never Dies but will end differently.

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