Nightmares Haunt All of Us

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"So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond your imagination will occur! Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty!?"

Christine shot up in bed with tears streaming down her face.
"Christine! Are you alright? I heard you scream." Gleb said as he entered Christine's room.
"I'm sorry I must have screamed in my nightmare."
"It's ok as long as your alright." Gleb said sitting next to Christine on the bed.
Christine hid her face in to his shoulder.
"What was your dream about?" Gleb asked concerned.
Christine started to shake in his arms remembering her dream.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to it's ok. No one will harm you my words will warm and calm you." Gleb said as he tried to comfort Christine.

Christine lifted her head to look at Gleb.
"Do you remember fathers lullaby he use to sing to us?"
A smile grew on Gleb's face remembering Christine's father.
"Of course."
"Dancing bears painted wings things I almost remember."Gleb sang.
"And a song someone sings." Christine followed.
"Once upon a December." They both sang.

"Gleb, do you ever miss Russia?"

"To Be honest, yes."
"But I would rather be with you here in Paris."

"I would like to go back to Fathers house. To see the river, the wilderness, and Saint Petersburg."

"Sadly it is not called Saint Petersburg anymore."

Christine became confused.

"After the death of the royal family they changed the name to Leningrad."

"Does it still look the same?"

"Where your father lived yes but the city has changed."

"As long as fathers house is untouched that would be enough for me." Christine smiled.

"You need to get some rest." Gleb said starting to leave Christine's bed.

He turned to Christine again.


"Will you stay with me tonight?"
Christine asked nearly begging him. She did not want to dream of the Phantom and his evil ways.

"Yes." Gleb said getting back in the bed then pulling the sheets over him and Christine.
Christine snuggled into his strong chest as Gleb pulled her close not wanting her to leave his grasp.

"Say you love me."

"You know I do."

"Love me that's all I ask of you."
They both sang as sleep called their names.
Chapter 6 done and in the history books. This is a short but sweet chapter. I hoped you liked it comment if you did and comment what you liked and what you think should happen next. Another phantom chapter or another Christine and Gleb chapter. Let me know and Thank you!!!

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