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The next day Christine woke to find Gleb gone and a note on the night stand.

Dear Christine,

I have gone to the Opera House to collect some of your things. I will also go to town to buy some more food.

Yours truly,
Gleb ♥️

Christine then remembered all of the events that occurred with her and Gleb yesterday. A very big smile came to her face when she remembered confessing her love to him, and him doing the same. Christine has always liked Gleb but never knew if he felt the same way, but now she can't keep a straight face when talking or thinking about him.

Christine checked the time and realized it was almost noon. She quickly got up, picked out a red dress that she knew Gleb would love, and fixed her hair. When she stepped out of her room the front door opened revealing Gleb was now home. Gleb smiled as he held Christine's suit case and the groceries.

Christine walked down the stairs her eyes never leaving Gleb. Gleb set down her suit case and groceries.
"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, very."

"Good. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, thank you."
Christine walked in to the kitchen with Gleb. As Gleb was preparing breakfast, Christine grabbed a book and sat down in the living room. Later Gleb and Christine ate, and kept talking about their childhood.

"So Gleb, how are you parents?" Christine asked.
The smile on Gleb's face quickly faded.
"What's wrong?" Christine asked getting up and siting in the seat next to him.
"Do you remember how my father was a Bolshevik?"
"Do you also remember how last night I told you that they killed the Romanov's?"
"Yes." Christine said as she put a arm on Gleb's shoulder.
"Well, my father was apart of the raid on the castle. He was told to kill one of The youngest children, Anastasia Romanov. But he never did, he didn't want to kill an innocent child. My father killed him self because he never finished the job."
" O Gleb, I'm so sorry." Christine said as tears rolled down her eyes.
"That's why me and my mother moved to Paris. To get away from the revolution and the memories of that dreaded day."
Christine put her hand under Gleb's chin and made him look at her.
"Gleb I'm sorry, I never should have asked if it caused you this much pain."
"Christine it's ok, the past is in the past." Gleb said.
"Leave the hurt behind."
Christine leaned in and gave Gleb a loving kiss to show she was sorry. When she pulled away Gleb's eyes were filled with love once again.
"What shall we do today?" Gleb asked.
"What day is it?"
"Can we go visit my father?"
"Yes." Gleb said as he started cleaning up. Christine ran up stairs and got her blue cape. Gleb met her at the door and they both started walking hand in hand to her fathers grave.
Chapter 7 done! Thank you for reading and comment if you liked this or if you think we need another Phantom Chapter.

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