All I Ask of You

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"Christine . . ."

"What was that?"

Christine froze knowing it was the Phantom calling for her. Gleb must have heard it to because he was looking to see where it came from. Christine's and Gleb's eyes met and Christine ran in to Gleb's arms.

"No more talkof darkness,Forget thesewide-eyed fears

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"No more talk
of darkness,
Forget these
wide-eyed fears.
I'm here,
nothing can harm you -
my words will
warm and calm you.
Let me be
your freedom,
let daylight
dry -your tears.
I'm here,
with you, beside you,
to guard you
and to guide you . . ."

"Say you love me
waking moment,
turn my head
with talk of summertime . . .
Say you need me
with you,
now and always . . .
promise me that all
you say is true -
that's all I ask
of you . . ."

"Let me be
your shelter,
let me
be your light.
You're safe:
No-one will find you
your fears are
far behind you . . ."

"All I want
is freedom,
a world with
no more night . . .
and you
always beside me
to hold me
and to hide me . . ."

"Then say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime!
Iet me lead you
from your solitude . . .
Say you need me
with you
here, beside you . . .
anywhere you go,
let me go too -
that's all I ask
of you . . ."

"Say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime . . .
say the word
and I will follow you . . ."

"Share each day with
me, each
night, each morning . . ."

"Say you love me . . ."

"You know I do."

"Love me -
that's all I ask
of you."

Gleb leans in and shares a kiss with Christine to show her how much he loves her.

"Anywhere you go
let me go too?
Love me -
that's all I ask
of you."

"I must go -
they'll wonder where I am . . .
wait for me, Gleb!"

"Christine, I love you!"
Gleb said holding her hands on one knee.

"Order your fine horses!
Be with them at the door!"

"And soon you'll be beside me!"

"You'll guard me, and you'll guide me!"
They both left the Opera House hand in hand.

"We're should we go Christine?"

"It doesn't matter as long as I'm with you."

Christine and Gleb were both smiling ear to ear  as they headed to Gleb's house in the county side. The whole carriage ride Christine was snuggled in Gleb's chest and their hands were locked together.

"Say you'll share with
me one
love, one lifetime.
say the word
and I will follow you."

As they pulled up to Gleb's house Christine admired the lovely home. Gleb helped Christine out of the carriage and lead her to the  steps of the house. Gleb opened door for Christine and soon followed. Christine looked up at Gleb and their eyes met again with love in them.

Gleb leans in and they share a sweet and loving kiss. When he pulls away Christine still has her eyes closed and leans in to rest on Gleb's shoulder.
"Would you like to stay the night?" Gleb asked unsure if she was ready to be by herself.
"Yes, thank you Gleb."
Christine replied with a loving smile on her face.
"Let me show you to your room."
Chapter 4 done. Third chapter done today and I have to say this is my favorite out of all of them. Comment what you liked or didn't. Thank you again for reading!

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