*Bonus Chapter*

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"Gleb! Gleb wake up its only a dream!"
Christine shook Gleb awake for his nightmare.
"What happened?"
"You where screaming and yelling in your sleep. What Where you dreaming about?"
Gleb stopped remembering the horrible nightmare.
"It's alright Gleb your safe. You can tell me."
"I saw you being taken by Erik. He grabbed you and pulled you down to his lair. He started to do things that any man would find awful."
Christine put her hand on his cheek.
"You where dreaming about when he raped me, weren't you."
"Yes. He forced you to say that you loved him and to do things any woman would not dare dream about."
"You know I don't love him. I would only say that if he forced me."
"I know, I just can't believe anyone would do such a thing to an innocent woman. You where only 19 Christine."
"Shh it's alright it's in the past and over. I have forgot it as best as I can now you need to do the same my darling. I love you and only you."
"I love you too Christine so much it's beyond words."
She kissed his head then helped him go back to sleep. Gleb held her close as sleep called him but Christine stayed awake holding her husband.
"Erik I know you are here. I can sense you playing with his mind. Leave him out of this. This is between only you an me."
The spirit of Erik appeared in front of her. She moved from Gleb's grip and sat up.
"You know what our deal was. I made it very clear when you came back. He must know the truth."
"The truth is I never loved you. I said those horrible things only to stop you from killing him."
"No you meant them my dear, that is why you don't regret that night. You only regret that it didn't happen again."
"How dare you speak such things in the presence of my husband! You horrible deceitful man I am glad you are dead!"
"I wouldn't wish such things when we have such an innocent child."
"Don't you dare play with his mind like you did with Gleb's! Gleb is a far better father than you would have ever been."
"How do you know? I have seen what our live would have been if I would have stayed."
"God has let me see what it would have been. Let me show you."
"Why?! I am happy here with my husband and child why do I need to see what it would have been if I Where to betray Gleb?"
"Just let me show you Christine."
Erik placed his hand on her head and carefully let the dream in her mind begin.
Christine woke in an unfamiliar place. As she looked she realized where she was and what happen just a few hours ago. She is with the phantom in his lair, after a night she can't help but shutter at. Christine felt the mixed feelings of loving Gleb and feeling the lust and passion Erik had. As she got out of the bed she put on her white robe and walked to his organ. He was like usual sitting at his organ composing another opera. As she inched closer to his he sensed her presence.
"Good morning my Christine."
"Erik will you let me go?"
"I'm afraid not. You made a deal with me last night that is I were never to harm Gleb you would stay here in darkness with me."
Christine gasped at the deal she realized she made.
"How will he know that? He will come and find us here and try to kill you!"
"That is why I have a plan my dear. We will be leaving tonight."
Erik turned and stood in front of Christine. Christine noticed his casual attire of black trousers and a white under shirt. As he came closer to her he put his hands on her hips.
"America, Coney Island."
Christine noticed how excited and thrilled he was to leave Paris and go to a place known for freaks and music.
"You will come with me and we will both be known as Mr. and Ms. Y."
"But we are not married."
"We soon will be."
"I have not agreed to marry you! I am still engaged!"
"If you would like to keep your fiancé safe then you will agree to marry me. Love will come in time my dear."
"How can it come when you are forcing me to leave the one man I Love?!"
"You will learn to see all the love I possess for you. Soon you will see through music that your heart can love many things but only music can show you who loves you."
Christine looked at his dark brown eyes.
"Do you love me through music?"
"How will I be able to see that?"
"My new Opera I have written for you and me to star in together."
He turned her where her back was facing him. And slowly brushed his hand up her side.
"You will see how much I love you and how much lust I hold within me."
Christine let out a breathless sigh.
"How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Make me feel as if I have to worry about nothing when everything I have is being taken away. You make me forget about Gleb and only think of you."
"It's the love I possess for you. You will soon share this and use it on me."
He turned her back to face him.
"I have just bought some new dresses and outfits for you. Go pack and I will soon be with you in America Ms. Y."
"Christine it's time to leave."
Christine finished putting on her black and red dress then grabbed her bags.
"Before we leave Christine I want to give you this."
Erik then pulled out a silver and black ring for Christine.

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