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Gustave grew up and helped his father at the Opera House. He helped his father with running it, holding auditions, and playing the piano. When Gustave was about 17 Christine and Gleb decided to tell him about his real father.
"Gustave can you come her for a minute please?" Christine asked.
"Yes mother."
"What is it?"
"Sit down son."
"Gustave we have to tell you something that you might not understand."
"What is it you can tell me."
"Gustave Gleb is not your real father, your real father died when we visited America."
"You mean Mr.Y?"
"Yes, his name was Erik."
Gustave shifted in his chair not knowing what to think.
"Your mother was rapped by him when she visited the Opera House after we were married."
"Mother did you love him?"
"No. He was a very deceitful man that wanted me only for my voice."
"I still love you father."
Gleb smiled happy to know he still loved his parents.
"Mother I'm sorry for what happens to you thank you for telling me."
Gustave said and hugged Christine and Gleb.

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