1. Simply Raabiya

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

....and depend only upon Allãh, if you have faith.
(Surah Maida verse 23)


"Just eat Malaika!" Raabiya shoved the fork full of chocolate cake into Malaikas mouth.
"Come on Raabiya, you just made me eat a whole plate of biryani. I'll end up blowing up now," Malaika huffed, wiping her lips of chocolate icing.
"Well too bad, you have to eat with me until I'm done," Raabiya replied not looking up, eyes concentrated on her plate of cake.

"Well we know until all the food in this hall is finished completely, we're not moving from here huh?" Malaika teased and Raabiya smacked her arm, "oh please, I don't eat that much," she murmered putting emphasis on 'that'.
"Whatever you say madam," Malaika whispered with a smile and Raabiya rolled her eyes with an amusing smile knowing even though with the exaggeration, her friend was right.

As they both continued devouring more deserts, well mostly Raabiya, although she continued stuffing Malaika as well, they heard a familiar voice on the microphone.

"Assalamu Alaikum ladies," Amina, Raabiyas first sister-in-law spoke and the chit chatter in the hall quietened and Amina continued, "JazakAllah to all of you for attending this wedding ceremony of the lovelycouple Razaq and Zainab, may Allah bless them with happiness, InshaAllah, Aameen. Shortly we will be heading out but before that the groom would like to present himself before us to see his bride," she smiled at Zainab who sat looking amazingly beautiful on the love seat placed on the decorated stage. Her best friend by her side.

"So to all of you who Razaq bhai is not a mehram, please do cover up, he will be here shortly. JazakAllahu Khair," Amina ended and most ladies who didn't have their scarfs or niqaabs on began covering up.

Malaika and Raabiya had decided to keep their scarfs on from the beginning.

The hall was strictly for women only and the mens hall was on the opposite side of the same compound and since the ceremony was coming to an end, Razaq was coming to take his bride.

After a few more minutes, Raabiyas third brother who looked handsome as ever in his cream sherwani and sleek, black hair entered the hall walking with a red rose in his hand, his eyes stuck on his new bride.

He took long strides, until he reach the stairs and Raabiya could hear aunties and ladies whispering about how they looked good together and she had to agree, they made a perfect couple. Her mind went back to the time, 7 months ago when her brother told her he was interested in the girl who worked in the bookshop he often escorted Raabiya to.

Raabiya had loved Zainab from the beginning and to hear that was beyond ecstatic. Now she watched as they poured out their trust and swear to spend the rest of their lives together. Funny and beautiful how life works.

Much to Raabiyas astonishment, her shy brother went down on one knee infront of everyone and offered his wife the red rose and young girls in the crowd swooned including Malaika, a teenage group of girls on the table behind theirs squeeked 'goals' though Raabiya rolled her eyes.

She found such stuff so weird, ofcourse it was sweet and all and yes, marriage was a great concept of trust. It was fulfilling half your deen but seeing her beast of a brother act so romantic made her feel like pulling her eyes out from their sockets.

As the tomato red Zainab took the rose, they gave each other a shy smile and Raabiya could see how her brother was fighting the urge of pulling her into a hug but he simply got up and helped her up from her seat and continued to hold her hand.

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