Authors Note (I'm back)

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Salaam my dear readers. Goodness, I don't know where to begin. I know it has been ages since I updated A Hidden Pearl and that makes me immensely guilty as I had never intended to leave you hanging for this long. At this point, I am pretty sure most of you do not even remember or do not even have the story still saved in your libraries, nevertheless, I am back to complete Huzaifah and Raabiyas story.

I began this story at a time in my life where the only place I could run away to was my imagination. A world that consisted of fictional characters that in no time, began to actually feel real in my life. It was my safe haven. Away from so much that was going on around me, the times I sat and wrote this story meant a lot to me, more than I can describe in a few words. Reading back to my words, they do feel somewhat ancient and unlike me which gave me a moment of reflection as to who I was back then. Regardless, I do not want to leave this story incomplete and along with its completion, I plan to edit some parts in accordance to my current writing preference but do not worry, the storyline will remain the same.

It has been a rough ride since my last update and I do believe it has changed me in many different ways. I lost a very important person in my life and I have struggled to be the same ever since. Writing has always been my safe place for as long as I can remember and I want to maintain this passion before I lose it completely. So, whether you're continuing this story or you're reading it for the first time, allow me to welcome you again. Thank you for clicking on this story and here is a little recap from where we last left off.

Feel free to skip ahead if you're sure you remember it all.

Lots of love,

Spontaneous_muslimah xx

Raabiya is a woman of conviction. Trust in Allah and love for her people has brought her through life, through pain and sorrow. And you would never guess, looking into her eyes that she hides scars of unspeakable horror and anguish in her trembling fingers. But nevertheless, each day she goes through life with a beautiful kindness and undeniable faith. Living in South Africa, with her three older brothers and their wives, two nephews and a niece, her best friend Malaika and her parents, her little world is complete. A successful career and an ancestral orphanage managed by her family. She leads a busy life and would not have it any other way. Except the loss of her parents which still haunts her, especially during the night, robbing her of rest and sleep.

Finally accepting life is always meant to change, she agrees to marry Yusuf Alwaan, an endearing, intelligent and well-groomed man that respectfully asks for her hand in marriage only to leave her hanging on their nikaah day. Much to her and her families surprise, his peculiar but noticeably powerful cousin steps up to marry her. Confused and undoubtedly frightened, Raabiya decides to put her trust in her Lord who led her to this moment in time. Taking a leap of faith, she agrees to marry this man she knows almost nothing about except the depth of his deep, ocean eyes. As they move temporarily to the United States, Raabiya struggles to solve the mystery of Huzaifah who supports and shows her love in the most inconspicuous of ways. However, time melts barriers of distance like fire melts ice and being in close proximity to her un-wilting faith and gorgeous personality, Huzaifahs heart finds salvation. And in his arms, she finds a medicine. An elixir that heals her wounds, travelling back in time and allowing her to make peace with her pain. But Huzaifahs deeds and his dark past are not ready to let him go and just as two hearts begin to love, begin to come together by shattering in affection, their world goes dark.

Back in South Africa, discovering bits of his past was one thing she was ready to talk about but her world comes crashing when she walks into their house and finds him in bed with another woman. Along with a series unfortunate events, she comes to hear that Huzaifah was the one who kidnapped Yusuf on their wedding day in order to marry her. That Huzaifah killed a young girl's father who had taken sanctuary in Raabiyas orphanage. All this information and seeing him in bed with his secretary leads Raabiya into an accident that causes her to lose a baby she never knew she was carrying yet. Alone, confused and in pain, she asks for her best friends help in hiding most of this newly found truth in order not to worry her family. Meanwhile, Huzaifah does not contact her as she decides she needs to clear her head away from this place. With her family's support, she travels to England to be with her foster mother and brother and begin her healing process from her childhood trauma.

In England, she discovers Huzaifahs family who abandoned him years ago due to his actions and she takes a liking to them just as they do with her. Arsalan, her foster brother helps her regain her memories as she struggles to cope with her current situation. Meanwhile, Huzaifah is shown in frustration as he wonders where Raabiya is and confused at her family's behaviour at him. He reads a message that 'she' sent to him saying she'd be in Cape Town but now, knowing that was not true, begins to look for her. On the other hand, Raabiya begins to suffer from a condition of stress cardiomyopathy and begins to receive help from experts and a psychologist that helps her gain insight into her childhood and make peace with her current situation (this part is to be newly edited into the book). Arsalan comes to believe Huzaifah is hiding something as he finds Raabiya in England but refuses to approach her. He gains the help of her best friend Malaika, her brother Rehan and Huzaifahs friend and business partner Abid. As they come to the bottom of the truth, they discover that Huzaifah is innocent and has been tied into a game played by none other than Yusuf Alwaan.

As the truth reaches Raabiya that Yusuf planned the night she was meant to find Natalia the secretary and Huzaifah together, she struggles to believe it but Natalia who is dying of cancer reveals every bit of the truth that she knows and begs Raabiya to believe that Huzaifah is innocent. Moreover, Arsalan reveals to her how Huzaifah protected her and her family from Yusuf who intended to steal their family wealth after marrying her and how he saved the young girl from an adopted father who intended to sell her to child traffickers. All this newly found information rattles Raabiya who had been struggling with her emotions and mental state for so many months without so much as a phone call from Huzaifah. Natalia reveals that he was threatened with her life if he came closer to her. Now wanting to meet him, she finds out he is leaving the country in order to be far from her. She rushes to confront him as he newly discovers her miscarriage and they meet for a heart-breaking reunion, tear jerking truth and raw emotion spilled into the air. And in that melancholic but beautiful moment, fate turns on them and unable to do anything. Raabiya watches as a bullet pierces through Huzaifah in front of her who falls in her arms, lifeless. 

Update coming soon. 

Lots of love...  

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