12. Tranquility Afore The Tempest

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

O people! Fear your Lord, undoubtedly, the tremor of the Hour is a thing very hard.
(Surah Al-Hajj, verse 1)


"Hey," he called out and Raabiya turned her head to face him.

She grinned up at him, replying with a "hello."

"Umm I needed a favour," he walked towards her and she shut her book, placing it a side.

She looked up at him waiting for him to continue.

"I.... I wanted you to help me... with my Qura'an," he rubbed his neck, his eyes looking everywhere but at her.

Once upon a time, Huzaifah was the top of his class when it came to recitation of the Qura'an but as years passed, he became lost.

He was finding his way back to his deen. Back to Islam and although it has taken time, he didn't want to waste anymore time. Embarrassment was just a way of wasting time.

It was all because of Raabiya. He knew that deep within and if he needed any help being brought away from the darkness into the light, he would rather hold her hand throughout all of it than walk alone.

Alone, he would just get lost again.

She gave him an obviously and encouraging smile and patted the space next to her on the swing.

He was already carrying a Qura'an so he walked over next to her and sat himself on one side of the swing.

She grabbed the Qura'an from him and opened a page she was all too familiar with.

Time passed and seconds melted into minutes and those, lazily into hours as the two engaged themselves in the recitation of the Holy Qura'an.

They explored pages and discovered sentences that touched the heart and shook the soul.

They prayed together, hands held below the spine of the Qura'an Al-Kareem, each word pronounced with complete eloquence and honesty. Every line voiced with hope and prayer.

On that balcony, admist the blowing winds and swinging chair, surrounded by the flowers and covered by the sky so high.

Love was being formed in the most affectionate way. The most beautiful way. A promise being made as the sun retired for the day, an oath from one heart to another,

'I will hold onto you forever. Even if I stop beating!'


Those rocks were starting to smoothen down. That rocky start they both began with was starting to feel more comfortable.

That kindling ardor was lighting up now. That spark was burning brighter each day.

Huzaifah was seen to be a better person by everyone. There was a new him building up each day. A different him.

Everyday they'd sit and pray together, know about each other and learn more. Each helped the other in something they weren't good at.

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