23. Aquiescent Submission

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-

"We created man in the best design"
(Surah Teen, verse 4)


"I know what you mean Rehan," Arsalan exclaimed loudly. "But I'm telling you what I feel. Something is definitely not right here, seeing Huzaifah's face yesterday just confirmed that."

"So you're saying Raabiya might be mistaken?" Rehan asked with annoyance.

"No, that's the confusing part. I know Raabiya is not wrong in her claims but I swear something is off. How he asked about her and reacted. More so the meeting itself was useless. Nothing makes sense," Arsalan passed his hand in his hair and sat back on the chair, letting out a breath that lifted his chest.

"So what do you think is up? And what can we do? I mean he did leave himself and not contact her right?" Rehan asked, trying to prove a point.

"Yes but look, it's worth the try. I can't just sit down now and do nothing because my gut says Huzaifah is hiding something. Something big and now that you know as well, you're going to help me," He smiled and waited while Rehan made a noise with his tongue.

"Fine but if this doesn't work then you owe me something for wasting my time. Your old harley would be the best compensation," he smirked and Arsalan laughed sarcastically.

"Firstly I'm doing this for your sister and then you want my bike for compensation," he shook his head and Rehan laughed. "Hey she is your sister too and anyways, that bike suits me better off," he gave him a lopsided smile.

Arsalan chuckled as he swayed his head and said, "whatever floats your boat brother. But something very important!" His voice turned serious and low, "I need you to keep your cool even if you find out anything outrageous about Huzaifah," he lifted his eyebrows and Rehan sighed.

"Yeah yeah, I promise not to rip his head off but nothing more," he said and Arsalan laughed and continued.

"Okay good. Now listen, Raabiya has told me very little about this Yusuf guy and what I have deducted from this guy is that Huzaifah and him do not get along and he plays a big part in this. We just need to know if he did anything to sabotage their relationship. Is there any way you can find out that side?"

"Yusuf? I haven't heard about him ever since he left the wedding day but I'm sure I can dig up something," Rehan replied.

"Good, you do that. And one more thing! I feel Raabiya hasn't told me the entire truth. The night of her accident, something else happened that is huge but she isn't telling us. I've tried and will keep on trying to make her tell me but is there any way we can find out?" he asked with hope laced in his voice.

Rehan paused for a few minutes as his mind thought, "only one person comes to mind who would know," he said.

Arsalan sat up in his seat, "and who is that?"



Forever and always! Two words that can mean everything and also nothing at the same time. Just two syllables can change a life or belief in it can ruin your heart.

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