14. Hostile Assailants

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

'And indeed We created you, then made your features'
(Surah Al A'raf, verse 11)


They say when happiness arrives, it needs to be tested before settling in. Or rather some sort of obstacle needs to arise in order to check how far some hearts are willing to go.

How far they are willing to dive into the cold water. Will they prepare for the jump? Or just throw themselves right in?


What if one doesn't know how to swim at all, is it still fair?

Well obstacles don't have rules it seems. They sign no terms and conditions. They pay no debts.

Hurdles in a person's way can mean many things. Some teach us lessons and some make us better. Even with pain, but better somehow. Some even teach us to bear pain better. Those are the most hurtful ones because you're stuck between hurting and believing that hurt is good for you.

Big jumble huh?

Well perhaps it's all part of the riddle. The riddle mean't to tell a person's story. Their life story.

Usually as people, we have expectations. Or another fitting word would be an outlook.

We hope for things to fall into certain places. And sometimes we are sure of it but still hope. Hope we remain right and an obstacle doesn't stop you for even a moment.

But sometimes is not just about the end result. It's not always where you end up in the end. The destination. It's mostly about the journey of getting there. The paths, choices, decisions, hurdles, happiness, difficulties and the experience of getting there.

So perhaps an ending is fixed. It's destined. According to your will or against.

But for the time being, the moment matters. The moment you're in. The moment you see and believe in.

So enjoy sometimes, without worrying about the scores in the end. Accept sometimes without questioning or complaining. There's definitely something good even in the things we think are bad.

Allah is All~Knowing, All~Hearing and All~Seeing!


The sun had just set and darkness was beginning to loom over the city. The night sky faintly visible, the ghostly moon starting to appear and the shimmering stars appearing one by one.

Raabiyas body felt exhausted and worn out. Although she had been sleeping quite well the past few nights, her body was completely dependant on caffeine for many years and now that she had reduced and almost stopped her daily intake, she was starting to feel weaker and weaker.

Although she ate healthy and was trying to fight against her desire to just make a mug and gulp it down, her body ache was starting to make her feel fatigued.

She walked downstairs in her flip flops, loosely wrapping her scarf around her head just in case. She was alone in the house and she didn't expect Huzaifah to be back for another two hours or so but insticts and years with living with brothers who sometimes brought home men made it a habit for her to always keep a scarf at the ready.

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