27 Ceasless Tribulation

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

"Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?"

(Surah Rahmaan)

Raabiya's ears were ringing; her heartbeat was beyond her control. She could feel the urge of panic but held it in as she placed her bloody hands into his hair. She watched his face closely, observing every muscle, and then she immediately placed two fingers on his neck.

"I can't feel his pulse!" She croaked out, not knowing that her voice could be strong yet so shaky at the same time.

"Put pressure on the wound. He's bleeding out," Abid said loudly from the driver's seat as Raabiya pressed her hands into his back with the jacket, her skin and sleeves feeling moist and wet with blood.

"Come on Huzaifah, breathe dammit," Abid shouted as his eyes struck Huzaifah's still body from the rear-view mirror. He looked back onto the road and pressed on the peddle, his eyes white as snow as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. He swerved and passed cars like the winter wind, not caring to stop for a moment.

Soon the car halted in front of the emergency wing of the city hospital and Abid was already out of the car, screaming for help as he opened the back door.

Car tires screeched and in a few seconds, Arsalan along with Leo and other bodyguards also followed as a stretcher was brought up by a couple of nurses. Huzaifah was lifted onto it and rolled away.

Questions and orders were being shouted by the nurses and Raabiya couldn't hear anything but her erratic heartbeat in her ears.
She couldn't grab on to what was going on but soon she watched as the stretcher that carried Huzaifah was wheeled into the ICU and a doctor came running through the corridors into the doors.

She watched as his lifeless body disappeared behind the white ICU door and the space she stood in went silent in her ears.


There are moments in our lives when emotions decide to take a stroll. And not the kind of stroll that just happens in our backyard but more like a run for it. In these moments, a person's mind simply cannot decipher the events that are unfolding before their eyes.

They are inevitable and destined but even though we know and believe, we still can't help but fear the worst and somehow hope for the best. And when those worst nightmares crash into reality, we are left lost and aidless.

The universe contains the trickiest and most fickle of all concepts. The concept of time!
And we, as humans, have grown accustomed to this concept and it revolves around every movement that we do. Everyone has a different understanding of it, but it understands us better than we realize.
Time has the ability of emotions as well. It can cause hurt and can also cause ease. It can cause frustration and can cause content and when time lapses, we find ourselves at the bridge of memories where looking down at the water makes us realize not how low the water runs but how high we really stand. We cherish the view but sometimes the bridge does not stand over the blue waves and shiny stones. It simply covers a depth too deep to look into. An abyss of unknown ends. Faith separates the two from each other.

What do you want to see when you look down from the bridge? The beauty of the sun's rays hitting the water hills as they sleep on the shores, or the pit of darkness where hope seems to disappear into?

Time did its trick once again, and as Raabiya stood a year later on the balcony of her room, she sighed deeply and as always, she looked up to the sky.
The moon shyly hid behind the clouds but that didn't tear Raabiya's gaze away from it. She waited for it to resurface on the glowing fabric of the sky and greeted it with a smile. An easy and comforting smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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