7. Anxiety And Elation

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

'O believers! Fear Allah and be with the truthful.'
(Surah Tauba verse 119)


A week had already passed since the nikaah. Raabiya was still having difficulties accepting this whole change. She was still living with her brothers and going to work and occasionally meeting up with Huzaifah but things were still bent. If not almost curled.

They were leaving for the United States tonight. Raabiya had packed everything she needed, well she sat and ate and her bhabhis and Malaika packed but anyways she was all set.

A few more hours till they catch their flight, Raabiya drove first to Malaikas house to say goodbye to her parents.

"These are so good Mama. Thank you so much," Raabiya chewed on the biscuits. There was absolutely nothing more amazing that Madiha Maas' home made biscuits dipped in chocolate.

"Gosh bicharo Huzaifah. Look what he has to live with, such a beast of a girl huh," Malaika mocked from the kitchen and Raabiya threw an invisible bomb at her. She hated being reminded that she was married. Made her feel... too old. And that doesn't mean only old people get married, it just means she wanted to remain a baby.

Well we all don't get what we always want.

"Now who's going to make me brownies, cakes, cookies and biscuits there?" Raabiya pouted like a child and lay her head on Madihah Maas' laps. She patted her head softly and Raabiya felt at peace.

"What's going on here ladies?" Malaikas dad popped in the living room smiling at everyone.

"Just the same Raabiya eating up all the food in our house," Malaika sipped on her drink and Baba laughed.

Raabiya got up giving him salaam, rolling her eyes at Malaika and he patted her on her head.

"I will miss you more than them you know Raabiya. No one to take my side when I say Malaika should get married," He looked at Malaika who murmered, "oh no."

"Exactly. Laika you always said you will get married immediately after me. Where's your groom now huh. I'm already married," Raabiya wiggled her eyebrows at her friend teasingly.

"I used to say that cause I expected a babboon like you to get married in your sixties. Who knew you were going to get married and leave me?" Malaika threw back rolling her eyes.

Raabiya chuckled at her best friends fake annoyance and turned to Hanif Baba.

"Don't worry Baba, when I come back, I'll find her a guy," Raabiya looked at Malaika with a surpressed smile and Malaika gave her a tour of another eye roll.

Time went by as Raabiya spent time with the three, taking in every moment.

She was a kind of person that breathed as if it was her last breath because it can be. No one knows when or where there are destined to die and yeah she planned to come back soon and live here but her heart still ached at the thought of never seeing them again.

What she plans and what is planned for her are two different things but Undoubtedly Allah is the best of planners.

Madiha Maa and Hanif Baba were a huge part of her life. Her parents at the moment and she couldn't think of not seeing them for more than just two days and now she'd be gone for months.

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