22. Severed Heartstrings

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

"Ask the learned if you do not know."
(Surah Nahl, ayah 43)


Raabiya had thought it would have gotten easier by now. That she would have started to heal. But seemed like the whole incident with Huzaifah's parents brought back all the questions and doubts in her mind.

It was getting harder to go by each day, she felt exhausted with just breathing. She hated herself for being and feeling so helpless. She scolded herself for thinking she was going through tough times.

Others have it worse.

She'd say to herself.

Others have it way worse.

She lifted her gaze, looking through the window ahead of her. She watched the innocent raindrops race to the end of the transparent glass. It had started to rain a few days ago and although Raabiya was a soul that loved when the taps of the sky were opened, but this time around, it just added to her gloomy mood.

Hours were turning into days and days into weeks. She began to feel as though everything before this had been a dream. First a beautiful dream in the face of Huzaifah. A man she had loved with all her heart, body and soul. And then just like her cruel nightmares, it turned into a horrid and unimaginable ending that left her shaking and begging to be released from the vortex that was swallowing her.

She took a long breath that she felt hit her lungs. The only thing that made her feel alive lately was the tingling of her insides by the breeze. She squinted her eyes that had began to burn from staring at nothing in particular and she looked up at the sky through the blurry drops on the french windows.

The moon seemed to mock her. With its shine and unending glamor. She felt envy hit her heart like a storm.

She wanted to evaporate like one of those droplets that would disappear before morning. She wanted to hide herself in the twinkle of the stars and never be found again.

She was stuck between two parts of herself. One that constantly reminded her that she had to go on no matter what. She had to lift her head high and walk and work like the woman she has been and taught to be. But then one part of her wanted to do nothing and just hide. From everyone and everything.

She was tired!

Tired of hurting and crying.

How much more could her poor soul endure without completely shattering?


"Hello," he said as he pressed the phone lightly against his ear.

His voice was eager, wanting to hear the news from the other side. But at the same time, aweary.

Huzaifah was not himself these last few days. He wasn't getting any sleep, had dark circles and an overgrown stubble. His eyes lost all the fire they had and all the pain clenching his heart was evident on his face.

"I found her," said the voice finally and Huzaifah took a breath of relief. His insides were wrenching with anticipation and curiousity mixed with tons of anger and disappointment.

"Send me the address immediately and meet me at 2 this afternoon. The place we decided," his raspy voice sounded and he cut the phone, walking towards his car as he felt a vibration from his phone and with one glance at it, he drove off to his destination.

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