15. Intricate Labyrinth

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

'And whosoever fears Allah, Allah will bring forth for him a path to Salvation'
(Surah Talaaq, verse 2)


Everyone turned to the direction of the gunshot, even Yasin.

Just that he was wounded and as soon as he turned and his eyes widended, he dropped to the floor.

His back pooling with blood.

Everyone got onto high alert and soon gunshots were being fired everywhere.

Only that it wasn't Abid or Leo or any of Huzaifah's men.

It was someone amongst the same men who were shooting from the darkness, his aim hitting them spot on. Either on their legs or hands, just to unarm them or injure. His aim was precise as his jaded eyes scanned every person. He was hidden by the shadows of the room, the only thing visible was his jaw from where Raabiya sat and his gun, rapidly propelling away.

He moved a bit closer to Raabiya's view and she could see his face as he continued pressing the triggers of his two pistols. Raabiya's head snapped towards Huzaifah who was looking at this man with immense gratitude laced on his face. As if he knew him.

The two guns pointed towards Huzaifah's direction but for some reason, Raabiya didn't panic. She was sure this man wouldn't hurt Huzaifah. Something just told her.

His guns directed upwards to the men.

The two men holding Huzaifah were dropped to the floor by gun wounds to their shoulders and legs and the voice behind the person with the gun boomed,

"Get her and get out of here."
Huzaifah immediately pushed himself upwards and limped towards Raabiya.

His blood smeared hand's began tugging on the ropes that were binding her strongly. He used all his power to try an untie them, bullets still passing around them.

Just on time, the house was flooded with more men.

Abid was here with backup.
The two teams immediately began to fight. Gun shot sounds decreasing and punches, grunts and winces increasing.

Abid appeared next to Huzaifah and pulled out a knife, cutting Raabiya free of the ropes and shouted over the noise.

"Get out, now!" He aimed his gun behind Raabiya and shot a man that was trying to sneak up on them. Although Raabiya saw plenty silencers on most of the guns, the shots were beginning to deafen her.

Huzaifah removed all the ropes and in a flick, he removed his jacket and wrapped it around Raabiya's head, his arms wrapping around her body and he carried her with ease although pain shot through his abdomen and leg.

She snuggled her head into his chest so her face and head were covered with the jacket and Huzaifah rushed out, Abid right on their heels, covering for them.

Huzaifah immediately rushed towards the car that was parked on the threshold and once he lay Raabiya in the front seat, he tapped Abid on the back who in return shoved something in his palm and ran off, giving his friend a last look and Huzaifah jumped into the driver's seat and drove off with all might.

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