20. Veiled Inferno

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

'Allah causes the souls to be removed, at the time of their Death'
(Surah Az Zumr, verse 42)


Raabiya could feel her body ache from head to toe. She lifted her eyelids but light hit her ferociously and she shut them tight.

She tried again and this time, she blinked a couple of times before her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room.

She looked around, at the place.The hospital room she was in, her mind trying to register how she got here.

"Hey," a voice starled her from the door. A nurse walked in holding a tray. An African American lady around her thirties in her  nurse attire and light makeup.

"How are you feeling sweety?" She asked as she placed her tray by the table and walked to Raabiyas bedside.

"How...how..." Raabiya murmered but her throat felt like sand paper.

"Here, have some water," the lady kindly said as she brought a cup of water to Raabiya who sat up and chugged the water down.

"How did I get here?" She asked once she finished.

"You had an accident last night. Your car was overturned when a couple of friends and I found you. Luckily you weren't badly hurt but the person who bumped you got away," she had an accent that Raabiya liked and a kind smile as she came to the bedside examining Raabiya's wounds.

"My car?" She asked.

"We had it moved from the road. There was no where to put it and we didn't know who to contact so I had them take it to my house. I hope you don't mind, you can get it collected from there," she smiled as she noted down Raabiya's blood pressure and temperature.

"Thank you," Raabiya said and the lady smiled again.

"Oh I'm sorry, I am Christina," she said and Raabiya smiled, "Raabiya."

"Did you find my phone anywhere?" Raabiya asked as Christina wiped the table.

"No, it could be in the car but I'm sure I would've seen it when I grabbed all your belongings. I only found your purse," she replied, pointing to Raabiya's bag that was on the bedside table.

Raabiya nodded exhaustively, "can I borrow your....?" She began and she felt a deep pain in her abdomen. She ended with an action indicating a phone and Christina said, "oh sure. Here you go," as she gave Raabiya her phone from her pocket.

Raabiya knew most of her family members number but she dialed one that made her sure she wouldn't have to do much explaining.

The phone rang a few times and a voice answered, "hello."

"Hello Laika it's me," Raabiya said strongly.

"Hey, who's number is this?" Malaika said clearer than before.

"A nurses. I need you to come to me, do you know where the Lantern Hospital is?" She asked, hoping Malaika wouldn't panic.

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