21. Forlorn Obliteration

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help.
(Surah Fatiha, verse 5)


Raabiya slowly walked towards the exit of the airport, her luggage in her trolley infront of her. She shuffled her feet as fast as she could, feeling horrible jetlag from skin to bone.

As soon as she stepped foot out of the airport and into the car park, she heard an ear piercing scream ahead of her and if a few seconds, tiny arms wrapped around her legs.

Raabiya laughed as she knelt down and hugged Naayab tightly.
"Aabi, you're finally here," Naayab squeeled tightening her hug and Raabiya chuckled swaying slightly.

"Yes habibti I'm here," she said as she kissed Naayab's rosy cheeks.

"Raabi jaani," Sumeya aunties voice tickled her heart and Raabiya immediately threw herself in her embrace.

"Assalamu Alaikum," she whispered as she clutched onto Sumeya aunty, taking in her touch and inhaling her lavender fragrance that always reminded her of her Mama.

"Walaikum salaam," Sumeya aunty replied holding onto Raabiya's tired body with one arm on her head and the other on her back. She kissed Raabiya's cheeks and gave her a warm, motherly smile that brought Raabiya's heart to a pool of sunshine and hope.

"Okay okay back away now people," Arsalan pushed them away, grasping Raabiya's head and wrapping his arms around her neck. She chuckled, shaking her head while Aunty and Naayab rolled their eyes identically.

Raabiya hugged Arsalans built body that seemed more brick hard than the last time she had seen him during the wedding. The thought of Huzaifah crossed her mind for the umpteenth time in the past few hours and she scolded herself mentally.

He hadn't called nor did he show up.

The last minutes before she boarded the plane felt painful. Although she spent every second, watching the door hoping he would run in, look her in the eye and just hug her till her broken pieces were fixed together but he didn't and she hated herself for wanting him to.

Everytime she tried to remember what he felt like, his touch, his smell, his voice and everything that identified him as Huzaifah, it would all disappear from her mind and would be replaced with the horrid image of that tragic night.
Whenever she closed her eyes and tried to reminisce the most beautiful moments with him, his arms around her, his eyes upon her, his lips upon hers and his heart beating against hers, she'd end up jerking upwards with the image of her against his bare chest in addition to the voices of the little Arbish, Yusuf, Ali and himself haunting her to the depths of her hollow soul.

As that plane reach the air and she was sure there was no coming back now, she felt her heart drop along with the tears that still had yet to pour.

She knew it then. This was no beginning. This was the end, of something she had grown to love and cherish. A relationship that in a short period of time became her everything.

She needed to learn how to move on now. That was the thought she bore into herself throughout that journey and when she stepped out of the plane into the England air, she promised herself to try and rid herself of this unending pain that would end up devouring her if she didn't control it.

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