18. Euphoric Beatitude

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم-
In the name of Allah, the most affectionate, the most merciful.

'This Abode in the hereafter, We prepare for those who seek neither superiority nor disorder on earth, and the Hereafter is truly for the Believers'
(Surah Al Qasas, verse 83)


Raabiya stood at the door as she watched Huzaifah walk back to his car.

"Drive safely," she said out loud and Huzaifah turned to look at her and shot her a smile and a nod before he proceeded to sit in his car. He waved at her and drove off and Raabiya watched his car disappear and she walked into the house.

"Assalamu Alaikum, I'm home," she said out loud and although she expected everyone to be asleep, she was greeted with replies that came from the main living room.

"Finally you're back," Shabina bhabhi said as she grabbed a plate of snacks from the coffee table.

Raabiya looked around at everyone.

Rizwaan was seated on his usual seat, holding Abada who was falling asleep. He rocked her lightly, avoiding Raabiya's gaze.

Rehan was seated on the floor with the Ahmed and Asad playing with toy cars and action figures. He was crashing a freightliner truck into a BMW car.

Razaq and Zainab were seated on one couch, looking into an ipad discussing something that seemed so important.

Shabina and Amina who were holding mugs of tea were munching away ever so casually.

"Uh what's going on? Why is everyone not in bed. It's pretty late," Raabiya asked as she removed her jacket, placing it by the chair and proceeding to untie her hijab.

"Nothing. We were just having some tea," Rehan said and he shared a weird glance with Razaq that Raabiya noticed.

"Only Amina and Shabina bhabhi are having tea," she pointed out and they all gave each other another weird look.

"What's going on you guys?" Raabiya asked, adding a little seriousness to her voice. Their behavior was beginning to freak her out.

"Surprise," a voice sang behind her through the archdoor.

Raabiya turned around abruptly and she was faced with three people, smiling brightly at her.

"Sumeya aunty!" Raabiya gasped as she literally ran towards her and leaped onto her.

Sumeya aunty laughed as she hugged Raabiya who was holding onto her way too tightly.

"Assalamu Alaikum my love," she said as she stroked Raabiyas back.

"Walaikum salaam," Raabiya replied, sounding low as she sniffed, feeling her eyes sting.

Sumeya aunty was one of Raabiyas closest family. Being her mother's best friend, she was always another mother to Raabiya.

"Naayab," Raabiya exclaimed as she tore herself from Sumeya aunty and knelt to hug Naayab. Sumeya aunties ten year old daughter.

Naayab wrapped her little arms around Raabiyas neck and Raabiya lifted her off the ground as she giggled.

Naayab, with her long, wavy, black hair was one intelligent girl with a personality of an angel. Too mature for her age and the kindest child Raabiya had ever come across.

"You've grown so much," she said and Naayab laughed as her feet touched the ground once again.

"You look so nice aabi," Naayab said as she touched Raabiyas skirt.

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