Ch. 1 Soul Collector

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Inuyasha franchise. All rights over the Inuyasha franchise rightfully belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I did not illustrate the picture in my story cover either. Nor do I own the song, Rewrite The Stars. I just wrote this fanfiction for fun.


While the crescent moon was at its peak overseeing the night sky, in the forest, only the sounds that could be heard were the crickets and beetles chirping. However, the labored breathing of a human girl refused to be ignored.

For the last half an hour, Kagome has been wandering in the forest and as time went one she began to grow more tired, but she still persevered. She was determined to find Inuyasha.

As Kagome continued looking ahead of herself, she kept calling for Inuyasha in hope that if he heard her he would come to her or at the very least, answer back so she could get an idea of where he was so she could come to him.

After tucking Shippo in for bed, bidding Kadede, Sango, Miroku, and Kilala temporary goodbyes Kagome had set out into the forest to look for Inuyasha so she could tell him about how she will be going home, whether he liked it or not.

She needed to go back home because their medical supplies were running low and needed to be restocked. Although, she would not be ashamed to admit that she also was homesick. In the present time, only a day has pasted of her absence, but for her, in the feudal era, it is been almost seven months.

She missed her family dearly.

I wonder how they're doing... Mama is probably cooking in the kitchen, Gi-chan is probably trying his best to tell Sota all about demons and spirits again, and Sota is probably half listening to Gi-chan and half not because he's too distracted daydreaming about soccer. And Buyo, you lazy cat, I bet you're just sleeping on the couch... I miss you guys...

As Kagome aimlessly rummaged through the forest, searching for her mighty dogeared protector, she could not help feeling so frustrated.

Really, Inuyasha? You always get so cranky when I go home through the well without telling you. So why don't you stay close by, so I could actually tell you when I want to go home?!

As of late, whether Inuyasha was conscious of it or not, he has become more sensitive about Kagome going home to her present time.

Inuyasha always self-justified his irritation, with the logic that while Kagome is "wasting" time at home, they could be looking for the Sacred Jewel shards. Which always irritated Kagome to no end because Inuyasha was treating her as though she was being unreasonable or irresponsible.

The nerve of that jerk... I spend months in the Federal period at a time killing demons and looking for the Sacred Jewel shards and all I ask so it gets to spend some time with my family in my own time. But, no. I'm lucky if he even lets me stay for three days because by day two Inuyasha always comes and demand I come back. If I do put up a fight he always guilt trips me with how I was the one who shattered the Sacred Jewel in the first place, so it was my responsibility to make it whole again. And how if I didn't fulfill my rightful duty as the Sacred Jewel Priestess, the Sacred Jewel would fall into the wrong hands, such as Naraku's catastrophic hands...

Feeling dejected, Kagome stopped in her tracks, looked up towards the stars, and sighed.

But even if I'm the Sacred Jewel Priestess, I'm still a human being...

She stayed like that, standing still and wailing in her sadness. Nonetheless, she was able to pull herself out of her moment of hopelessness.

Okay, no time to be pitying yourself! You're Kagome! And Kagome is not a self-pitier! First things first gotta find Inuyasha.

Kagome, now, with new found determination continued on her search, "Inuyasha. Inuyasha. Inuyasha," she called out. Hearing no reply Kagome resumed looking for Inuyasha.

I swear to God why is looking for a guy with silver hair and dog ears on the top of his head so hard? I mean serious― Wait a minute, is that one of Kikyo's soul collectors?!

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