CHAPTER 13: Marooned

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       THE BLACK PEARL LIES at anchor, close to the small island. Jack's crew gave Barbossa an incredulous stare, seemed to suspect what Captain Barbossa is up to.

       I took a deep breath. Just calm down. You know what will going to happen. Just hope you'll be alright next. I know they are fictional actual people and I cannot trust any of them, including Jack. Just remember, these people are dangerous.

       Barbossa considered Will's terms, "You have my word, as a gentleman of fortune—"

       "Then," Will frowns, "...I will remain with you."

       "Will—" Elizabeth hollered, "You can't trust him."

       Will remains his eyes to Barbossa, "You must swear by the Holy Bible."

       "Eh? You have my word, then — on the Good Book, I do swear, and the Lord spare my worthless soul." Barbossa crosses himself, as do many of his men. Will lowers his gun and steps downs. The pirates surround him and snatch away the pistol.

       Barbossa looks out to the sea, toward the islet. "Hah. Look there. That's the very same island we made Jack governor of on our last trip. When you sail the open sea as long as I, you learn to trust the signs fate sends your way."

       Barbossa turns and moves closer to us, "As we can see, two peers within two names what we've encountered here, gents." The pirates laughed. "Right for this particular moment."

       I furrowed my brows, looked bewildered. They all looked at me along Jack's crew. I began to wonder. It astonish me. Jack looked at me, wondering too.

       ...And what's all the stare again? I thought, terrified. What did I do?

       "You," Barbossa pointed at me.


       "Have at her lads!"

       What? What did I do?

       The pirates rush to comply. I shoved back at them but there's no use. Suddenly, Pintel suggested. "You know, maybe it's best not to kill her. She may be perfect to be our bawd."

       "What? Kill me?" I widened my eyes, horrified.

       Barbossa remain his eyes to me, "...Jack Sparrow, (Y/N) (L/N) ...I'm a man of my word and you're to be set free, right quick. Well, I'll keeping Elizabeth. Those as know me know I wouldn't cross my word, and bring down bad luck on the ship." Barbossa commanded his crew, "Men, break out the plank!"

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