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your words are menacing,
but in my heart they linger.
causing my body to curl over trembling from
the scars you leave with me.
oh, the words i gave to you.
i tried not to be naive.
"i cannot give you the love you deserve."
rings in my head when i meet your eyes.
those damn eyes.

you tell me to find new adventures,
to find new loves and new friends.
but i find it berserk.
you broke down the wall in front of my heart,
and people could say
we were like art.
in a gallery full of people,
we were the main attraction.

our eyes so tangled with love.
our minds so distracted with thoughts of each other.
our hearts so strangled by one's feelings.
and now,
you don't even bother.
as if i am the garbage in the polluted air we breath.
your words are menacing.
but still, in my heart,
they linger.


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