health class period 2

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walking into 9th grade health class,
i see those two words written on the board,
messily and carelessly:
eating disorders.
swallowing the smile stained on my face from passing period,
i take my seat.
next to the girl who asks too many questions:
have you had an eating disorder?
do you know anyone who has one?
don't dancers and models have them?
why would anyone want to do that to themselves?

"i guess"
"i don't know"

after the teacher lectures about the side effects and symptoms, she assigns a project.
"pick one, put the details and don't forget to make it pretty. it shouldn't take long so,
turn it in before the bell."

we don't have a lot of time to spend on this topic.
this unit is only two days since
this unit is common sense and


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