Chapter Nine

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Michael jumped, startled awake by a loud thud. He hadn't even realized he fell asleep. Looking around frantically, he could see Heath standing by a large tree trunk in the middle of the path. He was kicking at it, shoving it, but the log was stuck. Grumbling, Heath turned and met Michael's eyes. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry."

"N-No, it's fine." Averting his eyes, Michael frowned to himself and very carefully tried to lower himself off of the horse. He flinched in pain as he tried to stand on his leg, stumbling and forcing himself to stand straight. 

"What're you doing?" Heath started to approach the human, only to stop when he held up both hands telling him to stay back. "Michael, you're being-"

"Smart. I'm being smart. If I don't walk on it, it won't heal right and it will always hurt. So just stay back and let me handle myself. I don't need you." Michael leaned over to pick at and adjust the bandages on his leg only to look up and see the Masonin facing away with a small frown. "No, I-I didn't mean...Heath."

"No, I get it. You only work for me anyway. We're doing this then parting ways." Heath turned back to the log blocking the path, taking his long leg and kicking with all his might. 

Michael flinched as the tree trunk was cracked in half with a sharp shattering sound. It sent chills down his spine. He really hadn't meant it that way. And why did he feel this bad about the way he said it? He fell silent and started to climb back up on the horse next to him when the animal suddenly moved and he fell to the ground. Groaning, he turned to look at Heath who was holding the reigns of the horse. 

"If you want to walk, fine. I'll make sure you walk." The 19ft tall man turned away with each horses lead in hand, taking long strides across the grass.

Michael swallowed loudly, pushing himself to his feet though his legs felt wobbly and his wounded one had a searing pain shooting through it. Everything was suddenly telling him to get to a horse, as the stitches in his leg wouldn't last long if he were to force it any more than needed. "H-Heath." He stuttered, cowering in fear of the Masonin who towered over him. Overpowered him. 

"What?" Heath said with a very slight growl in his tone, slowly approaching the human and watched as he tried to take a step back only to fall backward.

Michael grunted in pain, hitting his head against the dirt and stared up at Heath. He could feel his limbs shaking, let it be from fear or pain, he didn't know. He flinched as Heath's large form loomed over him, but watched as his giant hand extended as if to help him up. 

"Come on. It's hard to be mad when I promised I wouldn't hurt you." Heath said with a small frown, trying to coax the human. "I'm sorry, okay?" Though what Michael said pained him, he couldn't just force him to walk on an injured leg.

Hesitantly, Michael wrapped his hand around the thick fingers, able to feel the arm pull him to his feet while he barely had to help himself up. "Th-Thanks." He mumbled out, trying to calm his racing heart. It didn't matter what Heath said, he was still utterly terrified of the giant being.

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