Chapter Thirty-four

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"You're sure the other countries are being taken care of too?" Michael lifted his gaze to Heath as he wiped paint from his hands onto his jeans.

It'd been almost a week now since things between the Masonin's and humans had at last calmed down, and now everyone who was able was pitching in to rebuild what they could of the things that had been taken down for months now since the Masonin's first arrived.

Michael was surprised at how advanced the Masonin technology was, and not only that but with their strength and help buildings for the humans took half the time to build that they used to, especially with several of the giants working on it at once.

"Yes, the other countries where my kind landed are being taken care of just how here is. Lord Montgomery saw to that," Heath spoke calmly, using what looked like a hairspray bottle, only larger, to spritz paint onto the outside walls of a small home in even layers.

Taking a deep breath, Michael returned to using his brush to paint the sides of the house. Heath took the higher parts while the human handled the bottom. It was finally starting to look like a home someone could live in. "Think the kids are okay?"

"Michael, breathe. It's not like before, they'll be just fine," he looked to Michael and set the bottle down, kneeling to the ground. Using one of his hands, heath lifted Michael's head and forced him to meet his gaze. "Trust me."

The human placed his hand against the giant one touching his face and gave a very faint nod of the head. "I-I do, I just can't stop being paranoid."

With a deep chuckle rumbling in his throat, Heath pressed his lips gently against the smaller male's pair with no hesitation, one of his large arms snaking around his back to keep him from pulling away.

Michael would have yanked back out of shock but found himself held firmly in place by one of the strong arms that tended to carry him around not too long ago due to his wounds. Once the initial shock was over with, he gladly kissed back and lifted his hands to gently cup Heath's face.

"Awe," a light giggle caught their attention and they both turned to spy Lucy standing there with her arms clasped in front of her in adoration. " I have two daddies now?" The young girl asked with a wide grin, skipping forward. "Or do I call one of you mommy? You never answered when I asked before!"

Michael and Heath both laughed, and Michael thought back as to why he hadn't answered her before. Then, Heath had insisted he wouldn't be able to stay with Michael. And in all honesty, he still didn't know if the Masonin planned on leaving him once everything his kind could do was done. "Well, I guess you're still not getting an answer, sweetie. Go play with your friends, okay? Just be careful, we'll talk later."

An adorable pout crossed Lucy's face but she soon turned and sprinted back to the group of Masonin and human children alike that were playing while the adults worked. 

"Heath, she's right. I never answered because you think I'm going to let you get away from me so easily," he turned to look up at Heath with a deep frown evident on his lips. This needed to be taken care of.

"Michael, I told you, I don't know how it would work, how Donnie would adjust with having a human parent. I love you, really and truly," Heath murmured, "but I just don't know."

"How can you say you don't know when you kiss me like that?" Michael spat, hurt venom in his voice. 

Now Heath was silent, trying to find exactly what he should say to him. Nothing good came to mind at all, and it was ridiculous how this was even an argument. They should just be able to be together but they were from two entirely different worlds. Planets, to be specific.

Donnie, who had been watching from the sidelines while painting now stepped forward. "Dad, I...I caused you both a lot of pain, and you fought like Hell to stay together through all of this. Don't just give it up. You make each other happy."

Heath and Michael were both surprised and they looked at the teenager with an inquisitive stare. "You mean that?" Michael whispered hesitantly, still having trouble meeting the younger Masonin's gaze.

"I do, Michael. I know what I said before must've hurt a lot. About you and him never going to be together. But obviously, fate has a hand in this. Dad early died when he was shot, but you saved his life. And I...I nearly beat you to death but my dad saved yours then. Something really doesn't want you two to be apart. Whether we stay here with you or you and your daughter come back with us, it wouldn't be fair to break you apart."

Michael couldn't deny how touched he felt and smiled warmly at the Masonin, for once, the green cat-like eyes not frightening him as they had when he first met Donnie. "That means a lot. Hear that, Heath? You're stuck with me. Your son said so."

Heath's lips twitched into a smile and that smile gradually grew into a grin. Donnie's new views made him proud, and with him actually being okay with his and Michael's relationship, it opened so many other doors. "You wouldn't mind a little sister, Don?"

Donnie's eyes momentarily lit up. "I've always been an only child, I'd love a little sibling," his dark green eyes drifted over to where Lucy was playing happily with the other children. "She's easy to get attached to."

Michael was about to speak as Heath's arms wrapped around his back and lifted him off of the ground and he was pressed firmly into the pine-scented body. He could hear the thundering heartbeat and grinned. "Heath."

"Michael," Heath murmured the human's name right back, his fingers caressing his smaller lover's hair. "So. What do you say? Would you rather Donnie and I stay here, or we take you back with us?"

Michael momentarily took this into consideration. "I'd like it if you stayed here...that way Lucy still had kids her own size to play with. She'd be less be taken away from me again. I hate saying it that way b-but-"

"I understand," Heath interjected calmly. If they went back to his own planet, Lucy's so small compared to them, she could be easily snatched up by someone that may not have forgiven humans yet.

Michael encircled his arms around Heath's neck, nestling his face into the much larger male. "This is happening...I'm so happy I have you, for real now." 

Heath smiled faintly and placed a gentle kiss on the top of Michael's head. "Yes. You have me. And that won't change. From now on, I'm yours, you're mine, and we'll take care of each other from this point until the end."

Michael's smile only widened, and he couldn't agree with the Masonin any more.

And that's the end! Thanks for reading everyone! I appreciate all of your support!

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