Chapter Thirty-three

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Donnie's green eyes glazed over as he continued to glare at his father. His voice was shaky, his hands too. "Y-You chose a human over me."

"I had to kill someone I loved to save another that I love. Donnie, you're my son. I'd never choose anyone over you," Heath kept his tone calm and gentle as he watched the seventeen-year-old with a soft frown. "You and he both mean the word to me."

Donnie's gaze lowered to the floor, his hands still tightly balled into fists. "D-Dad, I-I can't...wh-what do I do? E-Even if I wanted to change things, s-so many are dead. Hurt. A-All these people despise me."

Heath reached into his pocket, grabbing hold of the vial Lester had given him when he handed him the paper as well. The paper was blank, it was just to help hide the liquid. "If you drink this, you won't be immortal anymore. That's where we can start."

His son's green cat-like eyes wandered over the vial of dark blue liquid, a small frown on his lips. "Mortal again, huh? But what's to stop those people there from firing at me as soon as I take it?"

Heath glanced over his shoulder as Lord Montgomery pushed his way to the front, standing just behind to the left of Heath. "I can assure you, they have strict orders not to fire unless you try something stupid. And if you drink that vial, I can also ensure your safety until all of this is worked out."

Donnie looked suspicious, but behind his eyes was a hopeful glint. "This can be fixed? I...I can be forgiven?" He began to slowly step forward, his hand outstretching to take the vial. 

Heath allowed him to take the vial from his hand with a calm smile. "That's it. Very good, nice and small baby steps."


Michael sat on the side of the room furthest from the door, clutching his newfound daughter to his chest as he listened to the silence that went throughout the building. No more screams or gunshots rang out. What happened? Where was Heath?

"Daddy, I'm afraid," Lucy whispered for probably the hundredth time since they've been on the floor hiding. 

"Shh, shh baby, it's okay," he whispered in a nearly inaudible voice, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. Heath would be back soon, everything was going to be alright. 

Footsteps interrupted the silence in the halls. His arms tightened slightly around his daughter's thin form and pressed her as close as he could. It could've been anyone outside that door. Donnie's men, other Masonin's, Heath. He couldn't hear any voices though. 

The doorknob slowly turned, Michael's heart beating like a drum rhythmically against his chest. Why was it so slow? 

The door creaked open, and to Michael's great relief, Heath's head poked into the room and scanned the area with his green eyes. When they landed on him and Lucy, he stepped into the room.

Michael was about to speak when Donnie stepped in behind his large friend. His blue orbs widened in absolute terror and he pointed. "Heath, behind you!"

Heath raised his hands, telling his human to calm down. "Easy. I know. We've fixed some things, talked. He's not dangerous anymore, I swear." Slowly, he approached Michael and knelt down beside the two humans.

"H-He could be lying, h-he..." Michael stared at the teenager that hung back in the doorway, not daring to meet those green eyes that always stared back with pure disdain. 

Huge, strong arms embraced him, parting him only briefly from his child. "Trust me, Michael," Heath whispered into his ear, large lips gently pecking the side of his head in a comforting manner.

Doing his best to return the embrace, Michael inhaled sharply and placed his head on the shoulder closest to him. Hesitantly, he lifted his gaze just enough to meet Donnie's eyes.

To his surprise, he didn't get a harsh gaze back. He received an empathetic one. An apologetic one. Donnie was slow to speak, but when he did, the first words he spoke weren't the ones Michael expected. 

"I'm sorry, Michael. For what I've said and done to you," Donnie spoke in a sincere tone, bowing his head only slightly to the human.

Michael removed his arms from around Heath, stepping back so he could see the teen better. He was unsure if he could truly believe him. Maybe things were actually starting to get better. However, the soft sobbing coming from behind told him otherwise and he turned to see Lucy with her face hidden in her arms. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

"I-I don't wanna get hurt again!" Lucy cried out, her knees moving up against her chest. "I-I don't care if I heal quickly, I-I don't wanna get hurt!"

Before Michael could step forward, Heath beat him to it and already had the very fragile human girl in his arms and tucked against his chest in a cradling position. "Easy now little one. Listen here. Donnie can't and won't hurt anyone anymore."

It was amazing how easily Heath seemed to calm down his daughter, and Michael stepped forward so he could see her better. Her small face was nuzzled into his shirt, her shaking slowing in his arms. Then she lifted her head and giggled lightly. "Y-You smell like the trees outside."

Michael smiled faintly. The pine smell he adored so much was obvious to his daughter too. Heath met his gaze and they shared the same look of adoration. Now all he had to do was somehow convince him they could be together with little to no problem.

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