Chapter 23

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Delilah's POV

My mum told me that labour is hard but I didn't think it was this hard.

I think I was in labour for 3 hours and I had my baby naturally I also had no pain relief. My mother did that with me so I will for my child.

Luke was next to me the whole time.

I probably killed Luke's hand but oh well I don't think he realises how much pain I was in.

Right now, I have my son in my arms Luke and I have chosen on his name. His name is Oscar Ashley Craig Hemmings.

He is a healthy baby like the girls said. Luke comes up to me and takes Oscar "De shall we bring our friends in" I nod and start to fall asleep he kisses my head "ok maybe after when you wake up".

Just a short chapter bringing a new character in hope you like in. Don't forget to vote and comment.
Love Midnightanna xxx

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