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.Chloe's point of view.

I'm walking towards the showers, Tom texted me that he's already in there. It's officially just for girls, but nobody can see him, so no big deal. I've been thinking about Beca all night and I don't understand my feelings. The hug I gave her yesterday at the roof, felt so good. My heart jumped up and down, just like he used to do when I'm with Tom. I've noticed I want to be with them both. Last night the won the game with 41 against 33. Tom scored a view touchdowns, but I didn't pay much attention. I had tho, but my focus was on Beca and some other girl. They were way to close and I didn't like it. Maybe I was jealous, but maybe not. I don't know what's wrong with me, every time I see Beca hugging, talking or slightly flirting with another girl or boy, I get mad and end up having sex with Tom. I'm using Tom for my own jealousy and I don't know why. Or maybe I do? Ugh, I can't even think straight right now! I open the shower doors and immediately Tom push me against his body.

,,There you are."

,,Yeah, you know what? Why don't you wait for me in one of the showers, before another girl comes in."

,,Okay, if you say so."

,,Oh and Tom?" He turns around. ,,No sex in the showers today." He nods with a disappointed look on his face. Sometimes he and I have sex in here, just to release some of the tensions, but I'm not feeling it today. I undress myself and join Tom in the shower.

Just when I'm used to the warm water hitting my naked body, I hear a voice singing.

,,And I can't hear a word you say." Wait, who the one singing? It's a deep voice, with a little rasp in it. It's beautiful! It almost looks like someone's playing a tape or something, this can't be a real voice, right? I mean, the voice is just so self-assured and experienced. I gently slide out of my shower, she can't hear me because she will stop singing if she notice me. Where does that voice coming from? ,,I'm talking loud, not saying much." I turn my head and try to find the right shower. It's difficult because there are so many showers in here. ,,I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet. You shoot me down, but I get up." Bingo! I just found the shower she's in. I need to know who's singing, so I slightly pull away the curtain to reveal the girl who's singing. ,,I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose." Oh my god, she's singing my lady jam! Do not get turned on... ,,Fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim..." Wait, there's something about this girl that I know.

,,Wow, you can really sing." I say and the girl turns around startled. Now I recognize her! ,,Beca?"

,,Dude, what are you doing?!" She says and closes the curtain. Oh no, she didn't do that to me. I can't walk away anymore, because I'm so turned on! Wait, what?! I open the curtain once again and she's covering her body.

,,Tell me, how high does your belt go?"

,,What the hell are you talking about?" Her eyes look at my body and when she noticed, she quickly looks to the ceiling. ,,Oh my god, what's happening?!"

,,You have to do auditions for the bellas!"

,,Chlo, please leave. I can't concentrate on anything you're saying right now!" And there's that quick look again. ,,Well, until you cover your junk."

,,Just consider it."

,,Seriously? You want me to think about this here and now?" She keeps staring at me. ,,Chlo, I'm nude!" So? I don't care... Your voice just turned me on long before I saw your gorgeous body. Shoot, what the hell I'm I thinking?!

,,You were singing Titanium right?" Now she turns her head back to me and looks me in the eye, slightly confused... or is it a surprised look?

,,You know the songs of David Guetta?"

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