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Another week has passed. I have been very busy, not with my education, but with the bellas and my meeting with Hollywood Records. I made one mashup every day for the bellas and they seriously love them. I am really nervous, in a few hours I will be facing producers who might become my bosses. Who give me a career for maybe four years. I really hope that this will be the first step to become world-famous. Then I can give Chloe an amount every month so that she and her child are not short of anything. Without Chloe knowing that it will come from me, of course, otherwise, she will never accept it. I just put my last things in my bag, when the door opens and Amy and Stacie comes in with their suitcases.

,,I'm not moving yet."

,,Well, you can't come back, because they want you."

,,I just can't leave Chloe, I need her."

,,Oh, my god... you want to ask her to come with you?!" Stacie looks at me surprised.

,,What's wrong with that?"

,,Nothing, I just thought you wouldn't be with her."

,,I never said that. I told you that I couldn't stay here knowing that Tom and Chloe will be one happy family."

,,She's going with you."

,,No, she's not. She will say 'no', because she wants to be here for her child."

,,She loves you." I just roll my eyes, while taking them to the airport.

Once we arrive at LAX, I'm guiding by a taxi to the Hollywood Records company. Amy and Stacie are close to me and they have their own opinion about the city. They already love it here and I haven't talked to the bosses here. What if they don't want me or just invited me to laugh at my remix I send them. But what if they want to work with me, can I say goodbye to the bellas, my other friends, family and Chloe of course, if she doesn't want to come. I would love to live with her and her child, so I can support them both, but I would understand if Chloe says 'no'. I mean, she has a life at Atlanta, her family and friends, I can't ask her to give up on that right?

,,It's going to be okay, Becs." Stacie grabs my hand and I notice we're there already. We get out of the cab and walk inside the large building that belongs to Hollywood Records. We let the reception know we're here and they let my new bosses know.

,,Maybe," I continue our talk. ,,but I wasn't thinking about this actually." We get to hear that we need to wait for us to be called in, so that's what we do. We sit next to each other and continue our conversation. ,,Well a little bit, but I thought about Chloe too. How would she react to the news that I'm moving to LA and leaving her?"

,,Well, you aren't leaving her if she's coming with you right?"

,,Who says she's coming with me? Look, I appreciate the pep talk, but Chloe needs to wake up first! I can't ask her to move with me if she isn't awake."

,,Yeah, that would be great for everyone, but you should tell her everything and ask her to come with you."

,,If I say that I will ask her, will you stop saying it?" I look over to Stacie and then to Amy.

,,I didn't say anything!" Amy says defensively.

,,You began with the whole 'Bechloe' thing, so stop it. Chloe won't be my girlfriend even tho I want that so badly!"

,,Did the big BM just confessed?" Amy looks over to Stacie and she just nods.

,,Oh, shut up will you?! Chloe is pregnant for Christ sake and I won't be the person who'll separate a family. I already told you that I'll ask her if she wakes up. There's nothing more to say, so stop asking!" I look over to the receptionist. When would I be called in? Don't they want to meet me?  One thing I'm sure of right now is that I want this job and that I want Chloe to be a part of my life. If she's living with me or not, that doesn't matter. I need her in my life forever even if she isn't my girlfriend.

,,Miss Mitchell?" Another woman comes towards the waiting room. It's not the receptionist, but somebody else. I guess she's around the thirty-five years old. I get up and walks over to her. ,,Mr. Reynolds is ready for you."

,,Thank you." I inhale deeply to calm down the nerves. 'You can do anything, I believe in you Becs', the thought of Chloe always calms me down. I open the door and see two men. One is sitting behind the desk while the other is standing and looks a little angry. 

,,You wanted to see me?" Damn Beca, nice way to introduce yourself. NOT! What's wrong with you. Oh, my god!

,,Yes, come in please." Says the one who's standing and walks to the desk. I walk in and wait for them to start.

,,I'm really nervous." Oh, my god, stop saying embarrassing things!

,,Don't be nervous miss Mitchell," the one behind the desk stands up and walks over to me with a smile. ,,I'm Trent Reynolds and this is Ashton Wood. We've heard all three of your mashups and I'm very excited. I heard something with great potential and I would love to see where this will take us."

,,I can always make more mashups."

,,Yeah you should, in fact," He walks back to the desk where some papers are. ,,We would love to work with you miss Mitchell." I look at him as if he's messing with me, but he keeps on a serious face.

,,Oh, seriously?"

,,Yes," he says laughing. ,,in fact, you are the youngest DJ we are hiring and you can start in about three days."

,,Oh, but I thought I could say goodbye to my friends and family."

,,Okay, we're making a deal with you. You start next month, we arrange an apartment for you and your two friends." He points to Amy and Stacie. 

,,Can you make that three? One friend couldn't come today."

,,Yeah we can arrange that, no problem. We will make a contract together, which you have to sign. The contract will be for four years and you need to make two albums. We get 40% of your money. Do you agree?"

,,If you can guarantee I can live with the three friends and my best friends child than we have an agreement." 

,,So that would be a five bedroom apartment?"

,,Yeah. Look, I only agree if you can arrange that." The two men look at each other and then nod.

,,Okay, deal." The two shake my hand and we sit down behind the desk to set up and sign the contract. I can't believe this is happening right now! Next month I'll be officially a DJ! I guess dreams can come true!

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