Chapter III: A Super Saiyan!?

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Previously in Dragon Ball Super.

I sighed, "Moving on, Secondly, what I meant by increasing my power exponentially was me going Super Saiyan."

"Super Saiyan?!" All of them shout, this time Kiba and Koneko as well; shocked with the new information.

Present Time


I smirked, "Yes, Super Saiyan. A transformation that comes in response to a need, not a desire. However, not just any Saiyan can become one, one must have the S-cells in their body to achieve the form and they must have sufficient battle power. If the Saiyan in question has reached the requirements, a feeling such as strong anger or sadness can transform a Saiyan into a Super Saiyan," I said shuddering at the memory.

"It occurred to me when my girlfriend was hurt by a strong enemy, back in Conton City," I said to them, they were all looking at me with pity. "I guess it was the rage, the desire-sorry the need to kill that fucker. The power out increase is colossal, the form, essentially, it is 50x that of your base from. That's for the new Super Saiyans."

Their eyes are wide open.

"5-50 times!?" Kiba said getting up, I was shocked, to say the least. Hearing that from him; expecting him to be more calm about the information. He looked around and noticed everyone staring at him, he quickly sat down in embarrassment.

"Wait you said New Super Saiyans, what if you master it?" Sona asked her eyes were wide open.

"Well it goes to 50x once you master it, which I have already done," If their jaws weren't on the floor, now they were, but I continued, "However, it not only increases the power output," I said. "But it changes the personality as well. Any Saiyan with a calm, collected, laid back, kind and even peaceful demeanor becomes ruthless, overcome with rage, impulsive, even becoming noticeably vengeful and unusually violent," I said to them in a serious tone; I notice all of them tense.

"That sounds dangerous," Sona said, placing her chin on her hands, deep in thought.

"Well, through training you can get better at controlling it," I said, watching them visibly relax.

"I would show a demonstration but then I don't want to destroy the building," I said to them while chuckling. 

"We can step outside," Rias stands up, "I would like to see this 'Super Saiyan' technique you talk about."

~Timeskip to you going outside with everyone following you~

(A/N: This is the clearing where Issei and Kiba square out against Xenovia and Irina.)

"Alright," I said standing in a clearing, away from the school. "Please take a step back, as I do not want to be responsible for rocks hitting you, or you lose your footing," I look at them motioning to move back.

As soon as I said that, all of them literally took a step back as if they were in the military.

"Alright here goes," I said before powering up.

(A/N: Start at 00:10 and end once he goes Super Saiyan, or you can continue to watch if you want.)

As the power bursts out of me, the ground below me cracked and dust flying, me being the cause. My yellow aura surrounding me, as I walk to them, the dust parts due to the force.

[1/2] What's a Saiyan? [DBZ x Male!Saiyan!Reader x DxD]Where stories live. Discover now