Chapter V: Girl Problems

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Previously on What's a Saiyan?

As I put the final plate with food down on the table, I look up to see 18 and Zamasu coming down the steps. I smiled when I notice a skip in Zamasu's steps, which I found very cute. When she noticed that I saw her, she stopped and blushed.

However, seeing the food on the table, was a whole different story; because I made her favorite, pancakes with maple syrup.

Her eyes widen and she quickly rushed to the table and sat down; drool forming in her mouth.

Before she ate, she blew a kiss to me, which I responded to with a typical 'catching-the-kiss' and putting it to my heart gesture. She giggled and focused her attention back on her food.

When 18 focused on the table, she also rushed to her seat, it was her favorite bacon and eggs. She was the one who made me like bacon and eggs, she gave me a tongue filled kiss and gave me a smile. She sat down and dug into her food.

I shook my head and sat down in the middle, 'Girls and food, I swear.' As if both read my mind, they turned their heads and stuck their tongue out to me.

"Anyways, now that you two are here. Are you two going to be joining Kuoh Academy?" I asked both of them.

"Well...." They both said together, thinking about the question.

Present Time


"Well...." They both said together, thinking about the question.

"We have thought about it, and even though I am older compared to the rest, though my android body looks 18," She says turning to me, (A/N: Get it?......No? Ok, I'll go cry in the corner.) "We came to a decision, that we will join the Academy, to learn more about this world. And keep filthy hands of our man." Ending it with a wink that made me flush. This caused the both of them to giggle.

"O-Ok, I-I will tell Sona about it later to get you two into the Academy," I said to them, I froze when I realized 'OH FUCK! I used her first name.'

"Y/N~ Who's Sona~?" I turn and see Zamasu giving me the 'you-better-fucking-tell-me-the-truth' smile.

I glance at the watch, 'It's almost time.'

"Sona-san is the Student Council President," I said looking at both of them, "It's going to be hard to believe but, Kuoh Academy is Devil Territory apparently." 

"Devils?!" 18 exclaims, looking at me like I grew another head.

"I swear to god that is true. Ironic. Anyways, I was approached by Rias-san and Sona-san, the owners of the territory around here. And...." I continue to tell them the story.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N tied down to a chair by Chibi 18 and Zamasu who are interrogating him~

"WAIT! So you mean your life is in danger?! And you are telling us now?!" 18 and Zamasu scream at me, standing up and putting their faces really close to mine.

I cower back, "Yea, so the deal is that I get turned into a devil once the situation is over. You guys can do that as well, but I hope you don't. You two are strong, but I don't want anyone to get any wrong ideas once you get turned into a devil. I will kill anyone who touches you with even the smallest of the signs of wrong intentions," I growled to them crossing my arms, the man will face my wrath if he so even dares to look at them in the wrong way.

"Awww babe~," 18 says kissing me on my cheek, which makes me blush. "You are so sexy when you are possessive~," she winks at me, this makes my face go even redder.

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