Chapter VII: Scum of the Supernatural World

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Previously on What's a Saiyan?


Eventually, the three of us fell onto the bed, 18 and Zamasu both pressed against my body, with a smile on their face.

"I love you 18, Zamasu," I said, kissing both of them on the lips.

"I love you Y/N," 18 said in response, smiling; snuggling back into my chest.

"I love you too Y/N," Zamasu said in response, who smiled as well pulling the cover over our bodies, and snuggling into me.

I soon succumbed to the darkness, hugged by my beautiful girlfriends; with a smile on our faces.

Present Time


I felt two weights pressed on me as I was waking up. I opened to find 18 and Zamasu on me, naked. 

Memories of what happened last night rushed to me, I smiled remembering how I made love to my beautiful girlfriends. I kissed their foreheads and groaned, not wanting to escape the warmth that was radiating from us.

I think my groan woke them up because both of them stirred. Zamasu being herself just went back to sleep snuggling more into me, while 18 had lifted her head looking around, then looking at our bodies and smiling. She then looked up at me to notice me staring at her, her light blue eyes staring into mine looking at me with love. She pushed her body up with her legs and pecked me on the lips and kissed me on my check, then put her head on my left shoulder.

"Last night was amazing Y/N," She said drawing circles on my chest, caressing my pecks and abs, while biting her lips.

I groaned at her actions while she just giggled, "You tease," I said to her. She looks at me and just winks, I shake my head in response, while she goes back to snuggle me.

"Can you guys stay quiet?" Zamasu looks at us with a pout rubbing her eyes.

"How can we stay quiet when you look so cute?" I tease her, this makes her blush. She quickly goes back to snuggle me while trying to hide her face. 

18 and I giggle at her.

I look at the clock to see it read, 10:30 AM.

"Alright, you two we gotta get up. It's almost midday, we have work to do today," I said to them caressing their body, trying to coax them into getting up, though it quite the opposite, because they started to purr.

"Mmmmm...." 18 and Zamasu said as I was caressing their bodies, I could feel a gentle stir between my legs as well.

I quickly stop as I am pretty sure they are sore down there.

"You tease!" 18 shouts, playfully pouting, but she still gets up walks to the bathroom with an extra sway in her hips. All I could do was stare at it.

She stops and looks over her shoulder and says, "Coming Y/N~?" She giggles and goes in.

'That woman is a tease, I swear,' I thought, about to get up but remembered that I had another body against me. I look down to see Zamasu snoring with her head on my chest.


I poke her cheek, she stirs a bit but swats my hand away and goes back to sleep. 

I sigh and then lift her up bridal style, and walk to the bathroom. I hear her whine when I moved away but she starts to purr again once I picked her up bridal style, snuggling more into my chest.

I put her in our bathtub, and turn on the jacuzzi, I made sure to put it on low pressure to not disturb her sleep and allow the jets to wake her up gently. She whined when I let go of her, I caressed her head causing her to smile and going back to sleep.

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