Chapter X: Am I dead?

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Previously on What's a Saiyan?

The pawn piece was now orbiting around Riass' glowing hand, as she pressed it against my chest. "I, Rias Gremory, as the King of my Peerage, release you from your Human and Saiyan shackles and command you to become a Devil. I will be your master. You will be my faithful servant. Become the best and the worst version of yourself, Y/N L/N!"

I raised an eyebrow at the speech, and before I could say a remark about it, Rias pushed her energy into me. The six pieces began to revolve around me, shockwaves were originated from me. Pushing everyone away, except for 18 and Zamasu, who were sitting on the sofa, unfazed.

The pawn piece that was revolving around me instead of going in to transform me into tendrils of energy poured out of it and was being absorbed by me. I saw the pawn piece shaking as it absorbed back the mix of my energy before they floated back down to me and disappeared in a flash.

Not realizing that there were now 16 balls of energy floating around me.

I gasped as I felt a foreign substance entering my body, the pressure of the energy increasing as the energy increased.

I was forced to kneel, which happened for the first time in my life. I felt my bones becoming stronger as I grew taller to accommodate the increased muscle mass and density.

I looked down at my skin to see it was still glowing, however, soon it subsided and returned to my fair skin. I could feel the amount of KI in my body increasing, my body becoming lighter, as I stood up.

I was a little shaky getting used to the light body.

Suddenly a flash of bright light enveloped all of us.

Present Time


I woke up with a gasp, looking around the place I was in. The place was pitch black, I got up to look around the place. But there was absolutely nothing.

"Is this-Am I dead?" I said, a little uncomfortable with the echo; my sound bouncing off.

I tried to charge up in hopes of letting my Super Saiyan form light the place up, however, as I tried to charge up, I found out that I am unable to. I was scared of the possibility of me losing my powers.

"Why are you scared?" Came a soothing female voice. 

I looked around to locate the voice. Again finding nothing.

"There is no need to be scared, you are in a space where I can communicate with you," said the female voice.

Suddenly, a white spot appeared in the place. I moved towards it with caution, as I moved closer to the spot it started to vibrate. 

I moved my hand to touch it, as I came in contact with the white spot. It enveloped the room, I flinched when the whole room was now white space.

"Hello?" I said, the room still echoing. There was a silence this time, the voice not answering back.

Suddenly my tail popped out from my pants, it was swaying. Having a mind of its own, I was staring at it in confusion.

"Hmmm...You have much to learn," the voice said. "But you do have a pure heart. Fighting to protect your own, to have been killed. Yet you came down just to save your loved ones, from this weird creature called Buu. Ahh, then your lovely girlfriends, Ms. 18 and Ms. Zamasu. Your enemies now turned lovers." I raised an eyebrow looking around, wondering how this voice had so much information on me.

"Splendid!" The voice exclaimed before I could ask a question. "This has to work!"

"What has to work?" I asked, terrified. "Am I being experimented on?!" I screamed at the voice, yet no response.

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