Chapter IX: Devils? I like.

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Previously on What's a Saiyan?

"We were able to reincarnate him into devils, as he was impaled by a light spear from a Fallen Angel as well. Even though it was in the stomach, luckily we had arrived quickly on the scene to reincarnate him, as my devil piece," she said.

"Did he have a sacred gear?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Apparently, he has a gear called the Boosted Gear, also known as the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet. It is one of the 13 Longinus," I raised my eyebrow at that. "Basically, it's a really powerful sacred gear, it can double to user's power."

"Alright," I said nodding to her. "How have you been Grayfia-san?"

"Fine, really," Grayfia said. "I heard about the Fallen Angel, are you okay?" She asked in a concerned tone, which did not go unnoticed by the other two.

"Yea, luckily, Zamasu was around to stop me from killing him," I said to her, glancing at Zamasu, who seemed to be smiling. When she looked at me, I winked at her. She smiled, which I was shocked by as she would usually blush, and shook her head.

After that silence came upon the car, besides the Radio playing "What is Love?"

 Present Time


We arrived at school, I parked the car and waited for all the ladies to get out.

"Grayfia, Rias, May we discuss the deal?" I said to Rias, winking, she blushed in response and looked down, while Grayfia looked confused.

"Right, let's go," I said looking around, I could feel every students' stare on us. "We are already making a scene." I finished, when they realized it. 

They looked around as well, Zamasu was a bit nervous so she came close to me. I held out my hand to her, she smiled at the gesture and accepted it. 

I allowed Grayfia and Rias to walk in front of us while 18 was walking on my right while Zamasu was holding my arm walking close to me on my left.

As we kept walking we heard whispers and comments from boys and girls alike.

"Look it's the prince!" "He looks so handsome!" "I think I need to change my panties!" I sweat dropped at that comment. "If would do anything to hold his hand like that girl!" "He's sooo hot~"

"Hey! Who are those two next to that jerk?!" "WHY DOES HE HAVE TWO MORE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!?" "SCREW THAT MAN! WHY IS HE GETTING EVERYONE?!" "Holy shit will you look at that ass?" "I wonder how she will be in bed?" I squeezed Zamasu's hand gently while bringing 18 closer to me, by holding her hand as well.

"Hey who's that freak of a girl with green skin?" " And what's up with that blonde haired girl? She looks like a slut!" I stopped at that, the sudden movement caused the other four to stop.

"WHO SAID THAT!?" I turned around and screamed at the mess of boys and girls. My eyes full of rage, my hair flashing yellow.


"If you don't have any nice comments, keep it to yourself. You would probably attract the opposite sex much better without that dirty mouth of yours," I said to them aloud. "ooh," and "BURN" comments went around.

I turned around and walked away.

"Yeah! Runaway, you coward! You are nothing but a pervert. You are probably paying those tw-" Before the guy could finish his sentence, I was onto to him holding his neck. My grip on his neck tightening, his body being lifted off the ground.

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