Chapter IV: A Complete House (I don't mean a peerage.)

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Previously on What's a Saiyan?


I was back in my base form, my eyes now returned to their original dark blue eyes, my hair back to its mix of pink and red short hair, and my figure going back to my normal figure; though less muscular than Super Saiyan 3, but by no means was it small.

"Alright, I think that's enough for today, we should all return home now," I say to everyone, "Form changing does drain a lot of stamina."

They respond with a nod.

I move to pick up my bag, which was still at the same spot, as I dug the ground around it to make sure it does not go flying. I checked to make sure everything was in there.

We all head to our own homes, Grayfia and Rias tagging along in my car. I opened the door for both the ladies, which they blushed at; but nonetheless sat in the car, put their seatbelts.

I closed the door and walked to the driver's seat, started the engine and head home for the night.

Present Time

Next Day. 2 Days before Valentine's Day.



I stop the alarm, groan and get up for a new day. I yawn and look at the watch, 06:30 AM. 

'Well, I have a long time before school,' I get up to grab all my clothes and make my way towards the bathroom.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/N singing in the shower~

After doing my morning routine, I head down to make breakfast for myself, for today it was just bacon, eggs and (your favorite juice). 


'It's probably Zeoticus,' I thought as I made my way to the door.

As I opened the door, shocked would be an understatement, my jaw was on the floor.

'I thought she was coming next month?!' Standing in front of my house, was the one of the love my life, my first girlfriend, No. 18. I smiled at her, looking at her with eyes full of love.

"Good Morning, I was wondering if you know a guy called Y/N L/N. He's this really handsome and caring guy, has blue eyes, and a mix of pink and red hair. Have you seen him around?" asks 18 in a joking manner.

"Hmmm...I am not sure Miss," I said playing along with her game, "I do believe I have seen that person somewhere?" I said to her "trying" to remember where I saw this person she speaks off.

"Oh really?" She says with a smirk.

"I would like to ask Miss, who is he to you?" I ask her in a joking manner, raising one of my eyebrows.

"He is my boyfriend you see, we have been in a relationship for about 4 years. The most amazing guy in the world, caring and..." She said giving me the heart eyes look.

"Well, I don't know about him," I said to her moving closer to her. "But If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't let you go," I say to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Oh, really~?" She says in a seductive tone, putting her arms around my neck, pushing me back into the hall of my house. 

Once we were inside she closes the door with her right leg. She leans into my ear, and whispers, "Then don't let me go, Y/N~," she finished by biting on my earlobe.

I shivered at that, 'God this woman will be the death of me.'

I push her against the door, I put my leg between her legs, pushing against her most sensitive point. 

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