장 Seven [Pain killers]

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But as all good things, Taehyung's well-being didn't last as long as he hoped for.


He stated to not being able to sleep again and the ache came back, even worse than before.

So much that he wasn't even able to practice anymore.

He had to stay home and take painkillers that only calmed the pain, but didn't kill it.

Like an annoying sound in his ears, the ache stayed always by his side, not letting him sleep, not letting him rest, not letting him move, not letting him breathe.

Not letting him live.

He was so frustrated and tired.

All he could think about, was how good he felt that day, after he and Yoongi had napped on that couch- and how shitty he felt in his soft and comfortable bed.

How can it possibly be like this? My bed has always been comfortable. The love of my life! Why is it doing this to me?

And that old couch? Thanks to what physical rule was it so perfect for my body?

Taehyung's thoughts stopped on track, as the boy opened his eyes as he realized everything.

It was the couch... It had to be the couch!

He didn't care of what time it was.

He didn't care where the rest of bangtan were, he didn't care if the practice room was far from his apartament, he didn't care.

He got out of bed, his head spinning around for a while, making him feel dizzy and unstable.

He hurriedly slipped on his flip-flops, a jacket and gulped down some painkillers.

The only sound that echoed in Seoul' streets that night, were Taehyung's Gucci slides tapping the asphalt, as he hurriedly walked down the street.

His mind could only think of that couch.

I'm coming!

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