장 Eleven [WTF]

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"Oh..." Taehyung's mouth formed a cute O shape as he awkwardly stood right in front of the elevator.

Guess who, of all people, was standing right in front of him?

Yeah, it was Yoongi.


The tension was still high between the two Daegu boys.

That was the first time the "holding hands" thing hadn't worked.

Well, it actually did, but Taehyung being his stubborn and prideful self, wouldn't admit it.

He was still mad at his Hyung. At least, it was what he wanted the pale boy to believe.

"You've got lots of plastic bags there..." Yoongi pointed out.

Indeed, the other boy was holding quite a large amount of bags.

What he had in them, oh that was a secret. :)

"How could we survive without your observant self I wonder?" Sarcastically, Taehyung retorted, as he stepped in the lift and waited for his group mate to press the button.

Silence filled the cramped space, as the two guys stood beside each other, Taehyung surpassing his elder in height.

"You still mad?" Suga asked, not even realizing he voiced his question, until Tae gave him a look of shock.

Well, Min Yoongi showing that he does care and does give a shit, wasn't exactly a daily event.

"Maybe." Taehyung pouted as he tired to look else where.

Everywhere was fine, as long as he didn't see that adorable face.

"Then stop it. I don't like it when you're mad at me." Yoongi bluntly said as he kept on his bitch-resting face, only his voice sounded soft and more gentle than usual.

Taehyung was taken aback from his words...

And a smile popped up on his lips.

"Okay. I'll think about it..." he said, jokingly patting the elders butt.

Yoongi's eyes turned into thin lines as he gummy-smiled unknownly.

"Just tell me one thing Hyung..."


"If I was the only boy on earth would you nap with me?"

Yoongi awkwardly stared at the tanned boy. "Tae... If you were the only boy on earth I wouldn't exist..."


"Damn you're right."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the heavens, as he also thanked God that he managed to avoid answering that question.

Kim Taehyung was born to make me feel uncomfortable I swear--

The elevator stopped and the doors slidd open.

They headed out of it and entered the apartament to be met with an unpleasant sound...

The noise made by a vacuum-cleaner mixed with a voice that screamed "GIMME THAT ICE CREAM!"

What the hell?

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