장 Twenty-five [Piggy-back]

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Yoongi covered his face and slid down in his red velvet seat, wishing the floor would open its jaws and swallow him.

The four goofy boys were making every sort of noise, dancing in their seat, talking out loudly, squealing every time their favourite hero appeared on the enormous screen.

They were recieving odd looks and harsh words by the audience, the security, but that didn't stop them from making a mess.

Yoongi could just pretend to not know them and curse himself for choosing to get out of bed that day.

Luckily the film paused and the boys quieted down. Taehyung decided to go out to buy some snacks for his friends, so he stood up and walked out.

Yoongi followed right after, as he needed some fresh air and he had to visit the toilet.

But he stopped to walk right behind the brunette.

The said boy was waiting patiently for his drink and popcorn to be ready, when suddenly he heard a low raspy voice from behind him and he jumped out in fear.

"What have you got on your mind?" Yoongi asked with a dark glare.

He still couldn't believe he predicted Taehyung's actions wrong.

It didn't make any sense!

The boy with doe eyes looked at his Hyung with confusion.

"What do you mean Yoongi?"

"I know you have something in mind. How are you gonna get Jimin to sleep with you by watching Avengers? I don't get it!" Yoongi squinted his little eyes while taking out his thoughts.

Taehyung pursed his lips.
"Why do you ask. I thought you didn't wanna help me out. So why would you care?"

And with those words he left, as the popcorns were ready, steam coming out from the large basket and the diet coke was safe into his other hand.

Before entering the room, the brunette turned arouns and dropped the mic with a straight face.

Yoongi had just been roasted.

"He's right. I don't give a shit. I don't give a fuck." the boy reluctantly stated, to save his facade. But deep down he was still... Curious...

Could it be that Taehyung doesn't know how to act?

Even if questions like that kept on haunting Yoongi, he shrugged them off.

And after all, he felt relieved whenever he looked back to Taehyung, because he seemed to be enjoying himself, with that dork smile on his face.

Thinking back to how hopeless he looked the day before, with sadness ruining his perfect feautures and frustration chapping his lips... Yoongi felt relieved.

At least now he's OK.

And a gummy smile appeared on the pale man's face unconsciously.

When the movies were over, all the boys decided to go shopping around town.

Namjoon went in a book store, Jin in a food court, J-hope dragged Yoongi in a gadget store, while the maknae line went around looking for clothes.

But the whole BTS group would meet right outside of the clothing store as soon as they were done, to head back home all toghether.

"Wahhh this really looks good on you Jungkookie!" Taehyung complimented the maknae as he stood in front of the mirror with a black button up shirt on.

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