장 Eight [Worry]

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A week passed by and it was the last day of practice for the seven boys.

In that time, with all the times they had repeated the moves carefully to the beat, moving in sync and learning the choreography, they had become masters, even Jin and Namjoon were perfect now.

The only one that still struggled?

Oh--- I wonder who could that be...

Yeah, right. Kim Taehyung.

After realizing that he wouldn't be able to sleep or rest, not in his bed and not on the couch either, he decided to dive completely into practice, staying up all night and day, watching the videos, tapping on the wooden parquet of the dance room, panting hard with an almost angry expression.

He didn't do anything wrong with the moves-- no that wasn't the problem.

He knew every step better than anyone else.

But he was tired.

And all those hours of practice, were evident on his body.

He looked weak, his mood was all over the place, and he was in pain because of his back.

He decided to dance, because he felt the pain more if he only stayed in bed, but at the same time forcing his body beyond its limits didn't exactly calm the ache.

It worsened.

He thought he was indeed going crazy.

His group mates, noticed all of that, but couldn't quite grasp what happened to the once cheerful Daegu boy.

They asked sometimes how he was feeling, helped him by passing him the towels or bringing his bag, but he never asked for help.

He didn't want to be a burden.

And he was hating himself.

What did I do to deserve this?

Was it because I made Yoongi hyung's toothbrush fall into the WC and I put it back without telling him?

Was it because I ate Jimin's cookies and blamed Namjoon instead?

Was it because I layed in Hoseok's bed with my dirty clothes?

Taehyung didn't know.

He just wanted his pain to go away. He wanted to show that he could dance well.

He wanted to exit from the dance room not feeling like he ran all the way  from Seoul to Daegu and back again.

He didn't want to be the cause why his members had to repeat the moves over and over and fucking over again.

Even if he knew they wouldn't blame him, he still felt bad.

Suddenly, a hand on his shoulder took Taehyung back to reality.

Hobie was handing him a bottle of water with a smile on his face.

Taehyung had to squint his eyes, as the male right in front if him was literally glistering (more than usual) with the sweat on his forehead.

Why do we even turn on the lights when we could use him as a living sun?

The brunette nodded and grabbed it, gulping down the water by bending his head backwards -- his neck aching immediately.

"If you want we can practice toghether during the break!" The older male warily proposed, to which Tae didn't really know how to answer.

"Thank you Hyung, but I know you're tired so-- don't worry for me. "

Taehyung had repeated the same words over a hundred times now, but how could the six guys not worry for him, if they could clearly see that something was wrong?

They were a group and cared for each other as they were a family.

But they also knew how the '95 liner was, and that eventually Taehyung would come to them for help once he was ready and had overcame his pride.

It always went like that.

Taehyung had a problem?

He first swam in it for a while, faking that he was fine with his actor skills--- until he almost drowned in it, and then--- he grasped out for someone to help him.

The only wonder was, who would the said person be this time?

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