End (for real this time)

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Taehyungs eyes fluttered open slowly and he took a deep breath. He was not in his room. His arm had gotten numb, but he did not want to move and risk to wake Yoongi up. 

He felt how the older ones chest rose and fell while breathing, and noticed the blanket the older had placed on top of them both to keep them warm.

Taehyung had gotten used to this. The soft snores, how Yoongi would decline him a nap, but then silently slide on the sofa beside him and midnlessly pet his head and tangle his fingers in between his silky locks. 

It had become a habit. Taehyung would visit his hyung after practice, get inside his studio and try to not bother him while he worked, but reminded him a couple of times to try and finish up so he would not fuck up his sleeping routine. Taehyung would also bring Yoongi food or iced coffee sometimes. And then, in the end, he would fall asleep on the couch... and Yoongi would join him later.

Even if theior schedules had become more hectic, and there was not much time for anything particular except work, occasionally Taehyung would find his way back to his Suga hyung.

But it was indeed time to get up. Taheyung had to go and get his hair fixed for the new comeback, and Yoongi surely wanted to keep on working on his next mistape.

So Taehyung slowly lifted himself up, while trying to not shuffle around all too much. Suddenly a hand had sneaked around his waist and had prevented him to move any further. 

Taehyung glanced down to his hyung. His eyes were still closed, and it seemed as he was still deep alseep... His lips were slightly parted and pouty and his dark fringe covered his forehead messily.

Taehyungs chest suddenly tightened and his ears started to burn up. He could not move... nor did he want to. 

Was he getting sick again?

He tried to break free from his daze and gulped down the lump in his throat, before he softly called out Sugas name, but he did not recieve a response. 

"Suga hyung..." He attempted again, a little olouder this time. "We should uhm... wake.."

Yoongi groaned and grasped the edge of the  blanket and pulled it up over their heads, making also Taehyung fall back down.

All of a sudden it was dark, and all Taheyung could feel was Yoongis body so close to his, and his warm breath fanning his face. 

Why am I... feeling like this?

(A month later)

Hey there Taehyung-ah. Uhm... I hoep you are ok. I am glad we are done with recordings and I think that this comeback will be greatly appreciated by armys. 

I noticed you have not been coming by to sleep in my studio lately... We have all been busy lately so that must be why. But your absence has made me think a lot about how I have treated you in these years. We have been through a rough path, you and I... and I am sorry for not being the most open and for how I have pushed you away and kept you at distance in the past. I am really proud of how you have grown, and I am so happy that we had a chance to get closer and understand each other better. I think you have improved so much since the start and I am glad to have been able to witness it from up close. 

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