장 Thirty-one [Scared]

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Yoongi sighed loudly, shaking his head in dissappointment.

He was gripping the steering wheel of the mini-van, a lollipop in his mouth, sunglasses covering his small eyes.

"Taehyung I already drove you here. Don't ask for the whole arm when I already gave you a finger." Yoongi quirked his head to a side, still not looking at the younger boy.

Taehyung looked out of the window, at the sign with a long name written on it in a classy style, fidgetting nervously with his fingers.

His hands were sweating profusedly and he kept on thinking about his fears.

He was scared to go to a doctor.

The problem was that the one he usually went to, was out of town for vacation. Well, not like that changed much--- even BTS were on vacation. And it wasn't like Taehyung's sore back could wait for even one more day... He was literally going insane and he needed professional help.

Neverthless--- the idea of visiting any other doctor scared the Daegu boy.

Was the specialist gonna be nice?

Was the doctor gonna be giving him a lollipop at the end of the visit for being a good boy?

Did he have hello kitty band-aids?

All things that he had took for granted with the old and kind Mrs. Song, that was his doctor since age 4.

"Hyung, why can't you come with me?" he asked with a cute voice and a pout on his face.

"Because I don't want to."the older boy simply shrugged, showing off his savagery in full display.

"You're not being nice." the brunette muttered under his breath.

"If you wanted someone nice to keep you company at the doctor--- you would've asked literally any other human being on this earth, Kim Taehyung. Now get your ass out of this car before I make you."

"---not even to the information desk?"

Taehyung's hazel eyes were pleading the hell out of Yoongi, that wasn't even looking back, but could clearly see the boy's image in front of him.

He did exactly the same face that Min Holly made whenever he wanted one more spoonful of food--- or if he didn't want Yoongi to leave him for work.

And even the stones knew that Yoongi couldn't resist pleading puppies.

He groaned in annoyance, brows knitted and a frustrated look on his face; he turned around and looked at the boy.


"Get out of the car." he finally sighed out, opening the car door as well. "But only to the information desk. And only because my leg is numb and I need to move it a little."

Taehyung smirked in victory and followed swiftly after.

He wanted to hold onto the older's hand, but the latter had it dug in his jeans poket.

If I yell at him that some insect his biting him, will he buy it and take his hand out of his poket?

Whatever---- I don't need his stupid hand.

He can keep it to himself.

The two boys crossed the entrace, the older boy keeping the door open for the other one.

"Annoying brats first~" the pale boy cooed as Tae stepped forward.

"---Grumpy idiots after" Taehyung spat back, a smirk on his lips.

Yoongi scoffed lightly. "Is that the best you could come up with?"

"Did that offend you hyung?"

"I didn't even hear you over my swaeg---"

"Tsc--- sure sure--- you're just surprised at how good my comebacks are getting."

"Keep dreaming."

"I learned from the worst." The brunette winked.

Just sharing savage and sassy remarks.

Nothing more, nothing less, then bringing a smile on both their faces and making time go by quickly.

That was what happened.

Indeed, for a moment, as they kept on bickering and teasing each other while climbing the stairs to the third floor, Taehyung almost forgot his fears.

And it was all thanks to Yoongi.

A/N: short but sweet chapter for you lovely people~ I just wanna thank you again. Because you literally make me get up with a smile.

Stop being so kind.

Just kiddin--- I love you and you should never change who you are because YOU ARE AMAJIN LIKE THIS.

Just kiddin--- I love you and you should never change who you are because YOU ARE AMAJIN LIKE THIS

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