장 Twenty-one [Twisted]

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"I have just one question though..." Yoongi stated, while gripping between his fingers the bridge of his nose.

"Why are you all in our room?" a slight shade of anger was clearly audible in his raspy voice.

"Your room is the only one with a big TV. We wanted to play." Jimin answered, holding his gameboy, never looking away from the screen with.

"Yeah right!" Taehyung added, slightly jumping in his spot, like moving his body to the side would make the car in the game go faster.

The maknae line, Hoseok and Jin were all playing Mario-cart, while Yoongi lifelessly layed on his bed. Beside him, a Namjoon was still holding the bucket with water and his new friends in it.

Jin wasn't as active as he usually was. He seemed really tired, and even if he was a master in that game, his car kept on falling down or crushing other vehicles.

But no matter what, Suga's appearence always seemed to beat everyone when it came to sleepiness.

Even if all he had done that day, was get out of bed, drag his body to the van, sleep on the van, take the elevator and get changed, nap until Jungkook was ready, go to the beach and sleep under the shadow of two palm-trees.

"Shouldn't we play a game all toghether?" the leader annoiedly asked, earning just as annoyed groans from the five boys.

" There is a game I wanna play." Jimin stated.

"Uh what game?" Namjoon asked expectantly.

"It's called you bring me food and I eat it." Jimin sheepishly explained.

Just because he was too into the videogame to notice, but Namjoon gave him a really pissed look.

"Why don't we play twister?" Hoseok suggested, pausing the game.

"Sure." Namjoon agreed.

"But---" Jungkook pouted, pointing his finger to the big ass screen.

"Oh, come on! You can play videogames every single day, so why don't we just do a game we never play toghether for once?" Namjoon said, knitting his brows.

"Fine..." the maknae agreed, and also the '95 liners proceeded to get up.

"I'm not playing." Yoongi stated matter of factly.

"Why not?" Jimin asked cutely, looking really dissappointed.

"I'm too old for that shit." he shooed the boys away.

"Here's the carpet!" Hoseok happily placed the said object neatly spread on the floor.

"Uh! I have an idea!" Jungkook excitedly started to clap his hands toghether. "Why don't we make a Vlive for our Army?"

Jin bumped his head on the wall he was standing beside to, bopping his head right up after he smaked the left side of his forehead against the concrete, his eyes forcedly fluttered open, stuggling to stay open.

"You alright?" Namjoon concerned, asked his loved hyung.

Jin's eyes looked puffy, and red.

He nodded and tried to smile, but his facial muscles made it look forced and unnatural.

"Yeah! I miss my Army!" Seokjin stated in english with a weird accent, and laughed right after.

"OK, then! Yoongi hyung will do the MC and film us!" Jungkook chirped, handing his phone to the older member, that lazily took the object with the cracked screen in his white hands.

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