장 Sixteen [Bitter]

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Seokjin stretched his limbs and rubbed the sleepiness away from his eyes as he yawned loudly.

He walked in the kitchen and halted when he got startled from the figure sprawled on the floor in a weird position.

"Taehyung what the hell are you doing?"

The brunette breathed out after a while and simply answered "yoga" to Seokjin's question.

"This early in the morning and on the kitchen's floor?"

"Why not?"

"---- since when do you do yoga?"

"From today. These excercises will help me with my sleep."

Jin looked at Tae's long legs, one was streched out backwards and the other one was bent, his knee touched his shoulder and his long arms supported him on each side.

He also couldn't help but stare at his bottom for a split second, as that position practically made it even more evident.

"Why? Have you insomnia or something?"

"Unfortunately yes." Taehyung breathed out, as he changed his position slowly, standing up normally in the end.

"And does this work?"

"Not really... I've tried almost everything but to no avail." he tried to hide his frustration, because not even sleeping on Hoseok worked.

He tried but, he was... Uncomfortable to sleep on... Also, he moved a lot in his sleep and so, around 3 am that night, Taehyung had ended up falling face-first on the floor.

Yoga was the only thing he hadn't still tried out so... There he was.

"Well, it's understandable that you have insomnia. We've been pretty stressed in the latest period... But don't worry, it will go away soon." Jin reassured him, as he entered the kitchen and yawned again.

The pain in Taehyung's neck and back didn't heal, but it spreaded also to his left arm after he tried to sleep with that Hobie and the latter ended up blocking it in a weird, twisted position during the night.

How convenient.

"Hope so..." Tae pouted, as he sat at the counter to watch over Jin's actions.

Ironic--- that Tad kinda lost his hope because of J-hope.

"Listen..." Jin suddenly said, obtaining the younger's attention "---do you wanna try a special tea my grandmother bought for me when I was a trainee? It calms you down and it usually made me sleep like a Yoongi."

Taehyung gladly accepted his hyung's offer and he patiently waited for the beverage.

Jin was so caring---

Shortly after, they both sat down, one beside the other, with a mug each.

The steam coming from the warm liquid filled the air and blurried the first sunrays that came in from the window.

Taehyung hungrily drank the special tea, but its taste took him by surprise and he spat out some if it, liquid dripping down his chin.

"What's wrong Taehyung-ah?" Jin asked.

"It tastes like feet!" he said with a squeaky voice.

"Ahh stop being so picky and delicate. You're a big boy now and if something is healthy, you drink it, no matter how bad it tastes." Jin lectured.

Taehyung rolled his eyes to heavens, while wiping his chin with a hand and cleaning the latter on Jin's sweater a couple times.

"You know, it's NAPKIN not NAPJIN you little---" Jin started to raise his voice, but he was stopped when Taehyung shoved a Kookie in his mouth, giggling. Eventually Jin forgave him and Tae went back to savouring his bitter beverage.

It was like a medicine. Worse. Jin explained that it was so bitter because it was made out of a specific plant that only grew in very cold weather and it was pretty rare. It was a natural defence for the tree from some wildpigs and such, that ate their roots, killing the poor plant. But the bitter taste prevented that all from happening.

Taehyung's face scrunched up in disgust, his eyes got glossy.

Suddenly he felt hot tears streaming from his eyes, getting caught in his long lashes and rolling down his cheeks.

He didn't know if he was crying because of the awful taste of the tea, or if it was because of the stress, the tiredness, the pain.

He was tired of feeling like that. He wanted the pain to go away and on top of that he wanted some Suga in his Tae.

He looked over to his Hyung, that was happily chomping his cookies, not noticing the younger's tears.

Pouty full lips, pink as a strawberry, fair skin, dark fluffy hair, long aplaca-like neck, wide shoulders...

Suddenly Taehyung stopped crying and smirked evilly. He gulped the remaining tea in less than a second and stood up to put the cup in the sink.

"You already done?" Seokjin sternly asked.

"Yeah! Thank you for the tea Hyungie! I have to do a thing now!" he hurriedly answered, before rushing to his room, leaving a confused Jin behind.

What the hell has gotten into him ??

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