장 Twenty-six [Smooth]

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A loud slap echoed in the hotel room.

"Ouch THAT HURT YOU MORONS!! WHERE ARE YOU?" Jimin gasped, rubbing his arm with one of his small hands.

Taehyung had to fight his urge to laugh and bite back the giggle threathening to come out.

Jungkook smiled widely at his hyungs, as he stood still, glued with his back against the wall, with a leg on the bed.

Jimin extended his arms out and took wary steps, grasping air with his hands, not seing a thing, due to the scarf around his face as a blindfolder.

Yes, they were playing hide and seek.

After Jungkook had spent twenty minutes to find his friends, as he ended up accidentally hugging an abatjour and Jimin had lost his composure at the sight, now it was Jimin's turn, to skillfully trap Taehyung and grab his white sweater.

Taehyung almost managed to forget his pain and tiredness, as he played that game, putting a lot of effort in it.

The scarf was soon wrapped on his face and muffled his giggles and words.

And those sneaky bastards left the room, stood in the hallway, occasionally throwing stuff to hinder the Daegu boy that casually rolled and climbed on the furniture for half an hour.

After all that time, Taehyung was getting flustered.

Could they be under the bed?

He walked forward, where he thought the bed was, bent down as he could prevent stumbling in any table or such.

His hands grazed against... hips?

He laughed in vicory, but got surprised when a pair of cold hands squeezed his long fingers and a low chuckle mixed up with his own.

Taehyung jumped back.

What kind of trick are these stupid nimwits playing on me?

He walked forward again, hands first, and came in touch with a face.

Who the heck---

"Imma kill you-"

He fell on his butt and snatched the blindfolder away from his face.


The pale boy smiled at his dongsaeng.

The door creaked open and a grinning Jungkook peered in, followed by a smiley Jimin.

"YOU TWO---" Taehyung gritted his teeth, even if he wanted to laugh, feeling so stupid for not understanding earlier that he was being played with and stood up with his gucci slide.

Yoongi snorted and put a hand on his younger member.

"Don't be mad with them, it was my idea anyway-" he stated smirking and eyeing the two boys that were still only in the room with their heads.
"-now you guys go play in an other room and leave the hyungs work, got it?"

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