장 Fourty-Five [Pull]

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Taehyung opened slightly the door that creaked unpleasantly. He bit his lower lip, mentally cursing the door, before deciding to tiptoe inside the room, praying to manage to be as silent as possible.

That didn't exactly happen, as he stepped on a squeaky plushie, that probably belonged to holly and then tripped on a pile of dirty clothes placed on the ground messily.

Is this the set of Springday or---

Taehyung held his breath, awaiting any sign of Yoongi waking up, to hear nothing.

Finally the young boy stood in front of the cocoon of sheets, that hid his hyung's body, wrapped in a tiny ball as per usual. A little hesitant smile barely touched Taehyung's lips at the mere thought.


But then the fear of Yoongi's possible reaction to being woken up before he had finished his 12 hour sleep crept back into Taehyung, churning his guts from within and making his heart pound.

He breathed deeply a couple of times, gathering the courage inside of him, reaching out for the sheets, to then retract his hand and reaching out again.

This went on until his hand finally got a hold at the black sheet, and he gulped, before lightly tugging it towards him.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he finally managed to get out a shaky "S-suga hyung?"


"Suga hyung---"

This time all that he recieved as a response was a low and dangerous grunt, coming from the depths of Yoongi's tired body that made Taehyung flinch.

Still, he knew he had to keep talking, so he did, even if his voice was trembling.

He decided to lift up the covers and peer in the darkness underneath them, not being able to distinguish Yoongi's forms. He reached forward until his index finger touched something warm and soft, that could basically be any part of Yoongi's body. His finger poked at the skin, not earning any reaction in return.

"--- Hyung, If you don't wake up now, I fear there won't be any food left, considering how Jin---"

The younger got interrupted, when he heard Yoongi's low and raspy voice huff and then muttering a sleepy, "Oh shut the fuck up---" and then, a hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him down, sheets flying over him, all happening in a mere instant.

Taehyung couldn't see anything under the sheets, it was dark and he felt scared for a second, before he realized that an arm had been wrapped around his shoulder and he was being held against a warm body, head resting on a broad chest.

He could hear the pounding of a heart, and the warmth of that embrace--- he couldn't believe it was real.

"H-hyung what are---"

"Something that I should've done a long time ago. Now shut up and sleep. Food can wait."

Taehyung's eyes were about to roll out of their sockets.

Was that all a dream?

"Yoongi-ah are you sure?"

"It's Yoongi-hyung for you. Now sleep."

"B-but you said it would be weird and Napping isn't a Taegi thing---"

"Sometimes genuises like me can be wrong too. Now sleep."

Taehyung almost lost it when he felt Yoongi's lips landing on the top of his head to place a light kiss. He stiffened up and he held his breath, waiting for the older boy to laugh and shove him away, as it was all a prank... But nothing happened.

He could hear Yoongi's steady and calm breath tickling his bangs and his chest having up and down rythmically.

A million questions started to fill up his brain.


Why now?

What changed his mind?

How did he know I am still in pain?

"Yoongi hyung are you awake?" Taehyung whispered, to only hear a light and decided, "No." in response.

The boy shrugged and decided to finally close his eyes and sleep, leaning into the comfort of Yoongi's body--- but just before he managed to fall asleep, he realized.


Yoongi's hand interlocked swiftly with Taehyung's, shutting the younger up.

"I'll give you one more chance to shut the fuck up before I change my mind about this whole sleeping arrangement."

Taehyung bit his lip and nodded eagerly against's Yoongi's chest, before finally shrugging all his doubts away.

Who cares?

I've finally made it... I'm sleeping with Yoongi hyung.

And that, is all that matters.

Taehyung fell asleep against Yoongi, with a wide smile that gently tugged his lips, at the thought of how many things had happened, that had managed to bring him and his hyung that close. And even if it was a long journey, and it was weird, and it was painful and it seemed to never end... He would do it again.

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