장 Twenty [Candy]

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"Let's eat then!!" Jimin happily chirped, as the only thought of food made him even forget about how pissed he was, because he had lost to the maknae at beach-volleyball.

He hated to lose.

The boys gathered in a circle.

"Since I failed with the water and got you guys in trouble, I'll serve the food for you!" Taehyung offered, with a tone that didn't accept anything but a "yes".

So everyone waited, occasionally looking at his figure, back facing his members, as he devided diligently all the dishes in equal parts in seven plates.

" Anyone is gonna help me bring them to the table?" V then asked, when he was finally done.

Jimin and Namjoon stood up and helped the brunette with the plates.

Finally everyone could enjoy their late lunch. The sun was still high in the sky and many people had left, probably to go eat at home.

"Wahhhh this fried rice is just so good!" Jungkook savoured the food and complimented the chef.

"And the avocado in the omelette? Is just so good!" Namjoon added.

Jin smiled proudly while chomping on his own food, feeling proud thanks to the compliments.

But suddenly his face changed, and his ears got redder.

He let out a raspy rant, just a sound that choked up in his throat, as he opened his mouth, gasping for air.

"OMG I MISTOOK YOUR PLATE WITH JIMIN'S! SORRY HYUNG! HERE TAKE SOME WATER!" Taehyung dramatically handed one of the bottles to his hyung, that gulped down the content greedy.

Impressive that he understood the problem so quickly...

When Jin had calmed down, his face turned normal again.

Meanwhile, the spicy food had reached Jimin, that ate it without even waiting for it to cool down or anything, eager to enjoy the hot feeling on his tongue.

"Seriously Taehyung when are you gonna stop causing troubles today?" Hoseok shook his head in dissapproval, not being so serious, since he enjoyed jin's reaction and found it funny, for his sadistic side.

"Heheh sorry again! Here hyung, take a mint! It should help to freshen up your tongue." V gently offered the black haired boy, that nodded and took the small candys without hesitation.

"Uh they aren't as strong as mints usually are! I like these!" Jin chirped.

"Uh let me have one too then!" Namjoon happily asked, extending a hand out in Tae's way, palm wide open to recieve the small treat.

"SORRY hyung that was the last one." Tae pouted, making the leader retreat his hand, just as his handshake had been rejected.

"Too bad... I wanted an other one too!" Jin whined.

"Oh here hyung, you should've said that sooner!" Tae handed his hyung three more candies, startling Seokjin.

"What the hell?" Namjoon questioned dissappointed.

"Sorry, now there are really no more left." The brunette stated solemnly, avoiding the leader's confused face.

Jin yawned loudly, as everyone else finished their food.


The day went by quickly, so they all eventually finished their activities, goofed around just a little more.

Yoongi looked at his members, showing his gums as he smiled at the sight of the people he cherished the most.

Jimin and Kookie were bickering about something, the older boy looking so cute even if angry, his short temper making his small hands ball up in small shaky fists.

Sucks to be a boy like Park Jimin, that hated to lose, that had to play against the freaking golden maknae. The latter didn't even put effort when playing but eventually always managed to win.

Namjoon, was admiring the small animals in his blue bucket, dimples on full display, his long legs and tall figure all crumpled up in a ball, as he crouched down , looking so small and cute.

Hoseok's eyes glittered with excitement, as he was totally into the comic book, his laugh leaving his lips at the most unexpected moments.

Taehyung, was chasing the waves, trying to not get wet, but eventually failing and throwing a tantrum in the cutest way.

And Jin that had built a nice castle, even if he stopped every now and then to yawn and rub his eyes.

The pale boy looked at the hands of his rolex that tickled their way foreward.

"GUYS LET'S GO BACK TO THE HOTEL FOR TODAY-" he screamed, and all the seven boys stopped what they were doing and started to take their bags and go back to the hotel.


Q & A

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