장 Twenty-four [Wild guess]

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"Oh shit- fuck you bloody  sUckEr SON OF A COW!" Taehyung cursed, standing up from the chair and grabbed a napkin to wipe some of the hot liquid from his pajama's pants.

Jin covered Jungkook's ears swiftly, to then glare at the boy that now had a big stain on the baggy fabric that covered his long legs.

"Taehyung watch your mouth!"

Hoseok snickered but seing the brunette's frustrated face he got serious. "How the hell did you spill that on yourself?"

The said boy rolled his eyes and sat back down in his seat, trying to compose himself.

"Anyway, I don't know exactly what you're gonna do guys..." he stated calmly with his deep voice, gathering easily everyone's attention.

"I just know that me and Jiminnie are going in some really good place today." he explained with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows after he finished his statement.

Jimin squinted his eyes in wonder, the others shared skeptical glares.

What did he have in mind?

"So... What now?" Jungkook asked, as the seven boys stood in front of the entrace of a Cinema.

"First of all, you weren't invited here." Taehyung stated salty, glaring at the five boys. "But I don't care, because no one is gonna stop me from spending a good time with my Chim." he said, pouting confidently while holding onto the shorter male that was furiously blushing.

He easyly got flustered.

Yoongi cocked one eyebrow, watching the scene from afar.

So Jimin is your next target, huh,  Taehyung?

He was clearly amused by the younger boy, but still didn't like how he had been dragging that way-too-kind-mochi around since that morning.

There were many shows.

A comedy film, a horror movie, a  documentary, and an action Movie.

Of course, Namjoon wanted to see the documentary, while Jin was settled on the comedy.

Neither of them wanted to be alone, so they played rock paper scissors--- what a surprise--- to decide what film to watch.

It was Namjoon's unlucky day, because Jin won without a sweat.

Yoongi wanted to see the horror movie, while Hoseok and Jungkook were already mimicking Hulk and ironman.

Jeonkook being himself, managed to beat his pale hyung and so, also the three of them started the line to buy the tickets.

But Yoongi stood a little bit behind the overly excited boys, and kept his eyes casually on the pair of boys that hadn't decided what movie to watch yet.

Jimin pulled on Tae's sleeve and pointed at the wall where the posters of the movies were exposed.

"Why don't we go for the Avengers movie as well? It seems good!"

Taehyung pursed his lips, staring intently at the posters, from the top, to the bottom one, picturing the scenario that would come out of it.

Yoongi was now staring at the brunette, not even caring if he got caught.

What is going on in that smol head?

Yoongi was sure that the tall boy with tanned skin already had it all planned out.

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