장 Thirty- two [Murder]

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"Hyung I'm scared." Taehyung bent down a little and whispered in his older friend's ear.

"I understood you the second time you told me that Taehyung." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

They had entered the building and were now climbing the stairs.

As they arrived in front of the secretary office, Yoongi decided to help his scaredy friend just a little, by leaning on the desk that separated him from the old lady that was talking loudly at the phone.

As soon as the conversation ended, she noticed Yoongi and smiled at him, asking how she may could help him out.

"Yeah--- uhm--- is the doctor here?"

"You've booked an appointment?"


"You should do it---" she said, grabbing a pen."---under what name sir?"

"J." Taehyung butted in, leaning with his elbows on the desk as well, recieving an odd glare from Yoongi.

J? Seriously?

The lady wrote on her agenda.

"Okay--- the doctor is visiting a patient now, but max in twenty minutes he should be free. You may wait in the room upstairs. Oh and, don't leave the room or other patients may take your place."

"Okay thank you miss." the brunette thanked, lightly grabbing Yoongi's wrist and pulling him along, in the direction of the next flight of stairs.

"Woah woah woah--- what are you doing?"

Taehyung slowly turned around and eyed his tanned hand on his hyung's pale wrist, then the latter's face, that raised an eyebrow, framing those little inquiering eyes.

"Helping you granpa up the stairs?" The boy guessed, pouting a little.

Yoongi scoffed. "Kim Taehyung, I thought I made it clear. I'm not coming with you."

"But---" now the pout on the vocal's face was clearly visibile and his puppy eyes on full display.

Yoongi's tongue was pressed against the inside of his cheek, making clear his annoyment.

Taehyung eventually let go of his hyung's arm and climbed the stairs defeated.

Yoongi felt bad for him but he didn't wanna get into a vicious cycle, where Taehyung asked him stuff, he refused but eventually got convinced. He had to say no and stay strong. Because if he didn't do that, god knows what he would end up doing. If people knew he had a soft spot for pouts, he wouldn't be able to escape most situations to sleep like he usually did.

Taehyung anyway, couldn't get angry at him for saying no. Yoongi was well known as the member that refused doing favours the most, so it was already a miracle he helped his dongsaeng this much.

Neverthless, Yoongi walked back to the mini-van and sighed in relief the moment his butt landed on the leather seat and his head rested on the upper part of the seat with a thudd.

His eyes fluttered close, like butterfly wings and he prepared his mind to drift to dreamland.

Well--- not that he had to put effort in that--- he was always ready to sleep.

Right when he was about to fall asleep, his phone vibrated in his poket for a couple of times.

He groaned and checked the message.

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