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"Y-Yoongi...I-Im pregnant. You're a father."

-Yoongis POV-
The car ride was silent, apart from Jimins soft breathing and little snores. Im not angry at him, just confused. Hes a guy he cant be pregnant. Unless hes secretly a girl? This is too confusing. When we arrived I brought Jimin out as gently as I could and set him down on the bed. I pulled his shoes off and laid next to him. "Y-Yoongi? Are we home yet?" I heard him mumble. "Yes love. We're home." "Yoongi Im really sorry..p-please dont leave me." Jimin said as he sat up with tears in his eyes. "Baby listen to me, I love you. And Im not going anywhere, Im not leaving you. Im just shocked and confused about all this." I wrapped my arms around him gently rocking him back and forth.

"I love you Yoongi..so much. I just dont know what to do. What about BTS?" I havent thought about that. "I dont know Jiminie, get some rest and when you wake we can talk more okay?" I scooted over allowing him to lay down. I cuddled close to his side as I held his hand caressing it, leaving a few kisses here and there. He was beautiful. I cant believe whats happening now, but all I know is that he needs me right now. To support him, to comfort and protect him. The next morning I woke up early and began to do some research on Jimins condition. Turns out its fairly common, but rare. Like that makes sense. I also googled how to handle a pregnant male, and it seems easy enough. I just have to watch what he eats, and what he drinks. And no sleeping on his stomach. Cuddling, might be different for these next couple of months. After awhile I heard footsteps, and I see a very sexy half asleep Jimin. "Hey love, what are you up to?" I motioned him to come over and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Take a look for yourself."

He leans over and giggles alittle bit at the screen. "How to deal with a pregnant male. Hmm, thats cute. Wait why cant I eat fish? Babe it should be fine." He says with a pout. "Sweetie, we are going to be welcoming a little angel into this world. And I will do all that I can to help you, bring this baby here as a healthy happy child. So we must be smart, okay?" He nodded and sat down grabbing the laptop. I watched him type something that took me by surprise. "Is it safe to have sex while you are pregnant." "Uh babe?" He looks up at me with a smirk. "I want to know. Like do I really have to wait 8 months until I get some good sex. I have needs you know. And so do you." Oh my goodness. "Man, was I really that good to you?" I say as I kiss his neck teasingly.

*slight smut alert*
I kissed and sucked on his neck alittle bit as he let out soft moans. "Tell me baby. Was I good?" I felt him shudder. "Y-yes baby. You made me feel so good. Ah mm..please baby. Just this once." I picked him and placed him on the counter. I pull off his pants and his boxers along with mine. I kissed his thighs as he grabbed on to my hair pulling me to where he wanted me the most. I was about to kiss his tip, when there was a knock on the door. "Crap. Sorry babe, lets continue this tonight." I said as I went and opened the door to see the other guys. Needless to say, seeing them made me nervous.

When should we tell them?

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